Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Workshop on OSH Monitoring Systems European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Bilbao, 30.09 - 01.10.2002 ILO SafeWork InFocus Programme: Update on monitoring of occupational safety and health data and development of national indicators and country profiles Dr. Brigitte Froneberg InFocus Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment International Labour Organization
History and Goals of the ILO Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Industrial Revolution … 1. World War …Industrialized Countries … poor working conditions … high rates of unemployment … : Constitution of the ILO (1919) for humanitarian reasons political reasons economic reasons « Golden Age of Standard Setting »
History and Goals of the ILO Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Economic liberalization … globalization …open societies … predominance of market forces …flexibilization …unemployment … increasing social polarization: Programmatic adaptation of the ILO (1999): « Decent Work » fundamental principles and rights at work employment social protection social dialogue
History and Goals of the ILO Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Economic liberalization … globalization …open societies … predominance of market forces …flexibilization …unemployment … increasing social polarization: Programmatic adaptation of the ILO (1999): « Decent Work » Review/updating of regulation integrated approach new partnerships (business community) decentralized systems of collaboration in areas of common concern
Problem Occupational injuries and diseases Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Problem Occupational injuries and diseases 360,000 fatalities 270 million accidents 160 million occupational diseases 4% of gross national product is lost ILO estimates of work-related death in the year 2000: 1.9 – 2.3 Million
Global estimated work-related Mortality Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Global estimated work-related Mortality
SafeWork – Priorities in Industrialized Countries Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 SafeWork – Priorities in Industrialized Countries Stress Ageing workforce Right to know Chemicals Ergonomics Management and safety culture Occupational health services New technologies etc.
SafeWork - Priorities in Developing Countries Agriculture Other dangerous occupations Major accidents and fires Safety, housekeeping and productivity Silicosis - work related diseases Vulnerable groups, child workers Transfer of technology etc. Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
Compensated Cost of occupational injuries and diseases Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Compensated Cost of occupational injuries and diseases
Governance Governance by Regulation Governance by Information Enforcement Implementation Inspection Evaluation Governance by Information Information Education Training Campaigns Good practices Successful cases Competitions Demonstrations Interventions Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
ILO Strategies Classical approach Management system approach ILO Standards (Conventions, Recommendations, Codes of Practice) ratified, adapted into national regulation Enforcement and advisory services by Labour Inspection Knowledge: information services and research Advocacy: training, promotion, partnerships Alliances, technical cooperation and twinning, and resource mobilization Classical approach Management system approach at enterprise level: ILO-OSH 2001 “Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems” at national level: National OSH Programme Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
Planning and Implementing Measuring Performance Reviewing Performance Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002 Policy Organizing Auditing Planning and Implementing Measuring Performance Reviewing Performance (Source: HSE 1997) Information link Control link Key elements of successful health and safety management National policy on OSH OSH structure, organization Implementation plan with OSH objectives, time limits, measur-able targets Review and adjustment of OSH system
ILO National indicators part of an integrated approach towards better OSH stimulate action for improvement indicate strong/weak points of national OSH system assist in setting priorities for action used for follow up should be: reliable and valid easily available easily comprehensible demonstrative instructive National Indicators National OSH Programme Country Profile Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
National OSH Programme ILO Country profile provide practical information on ongoing activities at country level enable the country to identify gaps in the legal, institutional, administrative and technical infrastructure related to the management of OSH provide means for improved coordination among all parties interested in OSH should: be prepared at country level include basic data on all parameters with influence on OSH management at national and enterprise level National Indicators National OSH Programme Country Profile Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
National OSH System (J. Rantanen) Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
ILO Integrated approach survey The survey methodology is currently being tested in · Azerbaijan · Uzbekistan · Russia (?) · Costa Rica · Mexico · China with the assistance of regional ILO experts. Results are expected by the end of 2002. ILO Integrated approach survey Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
Intgrated Approach survey – SafeWork Website Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002
Relationship Integrated Approach Survey – ILO Conventions etc. ILO - Con- ventions - Recom- men- dations - Codes of Prac- tice Relationship Integrated Approach Survey – ILO Conventions etc. Brigitte Froneberg ILO 10/2002
ILO Integrated approach survey collects information on: ILO Integrated approach survey OSH legislative frame work National policy and review mechanism Coordination and collaboration, including collective bargaining OSH technical standards, guidelines and management systems OSH system implementation means and tools Statistics of occupational accidents and diseases Policies and programmes of employers’ and workers’ organizations Regular and ongoing activities related to OSH General data Other relevant information Elements for in put in the situation analysis (preliminary expert opinion) Brigitte Froneberg, ILO 10/2002