Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP Coordinators Day 23 June 2011 Peter Diry INFSO C5 Operations for ICT Research & Innovation
Reporting requirements Reporting periods defined in core agreement (usually 12 months) Periodic reports (60 days after each period) Final report (60 days after end of project) Report on distribution of Community financial contribution (30 days after receipt of final payment) Deliverables (as in Annex I) Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Layout and content ICT PSP Guidance notes on project reporting Progress report template can be found at participating/project_management Projct reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Periodic report Periodic report, due 60 days after reporting period (incl. last reporting period), comprises : Progress report Declaration by the project coordinator Publishable summary Project progress Use of resources (not for TN) Financial statements Financial statement from each beneficiary Summary financial report Financial certificates (where required) For TN, only a simplified summary financial report Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Final report Final report, due 60 days after end of project (in addition to the periodic report for the last reporting period), comprises : Final publishable summary Covers results, conclusions and socio-economic impact Lists all beneficiaries with contact details Provides the address of the project public website Lists dissemination activities Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Transmission modalities One original (paper) copy and one electronic copy Preferred format for electronic version: PDF Date of submission is date of receipt of the original (paper) copy by the Commission Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Approval of reports and deliverables Commission has 105 days to evaluate reports and deliverables and make payment No tacit approval of reports EC will pay interest on late payments automatically (unless amount of interest £ 200€) Payment is made after approval of reports and deliverables After reception of the reports the Commission may: Approve the reports and deliverables Reject the reports and deliverables Suspend the time limit for approval Suspend the payment in whole or in part Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Differences from FP7 No certification on methodology Paper submission in addition to electronic submission No questionnaires at the end of the project Overview table of actual vs planned person-months requested Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Project technical reviews General principles Aim is to assess the work carried out under the project over a certain period The Commission may initiate a technical review at any time during and up to 5 years after the end of the project It may be assisted by external experts (reviewers) who give recommendations to the Commission. The final decision is taken only by the Commission. The consolidated experts’ review report is communicated to the project. Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Review objectives Assesses the work carried out under the project by evaluating : The project reports and deliverables The proper use of resources wrt efficiency and effectiveness The management of the project The expected impact Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Review modalities The identity of the appointed experts is communicated to the project in advance Reviews may be carried out remotely or involve sessions at the premises of the Commission or of the beneficiaries Guidance notes on project technical reviews and Template for the technical review report can be found at participating/project_management Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Review material Description of Work (Annex I to the grant agreement) Progress report for the period under review Deliverables due in this period, according to the deliverable table in Annex I Reports from previous reviews Relevant work programme and call for proposals Any additional information requested by the Commission For a final technical review, the final publishable summary report should also be part of the material to review Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Review outcome Allow the project to continue without modification of Annex I or with minor modifications Consider that the project can only continue with major modifications Accept or reject reports and deliverables Suspend the time limit for evaluating reports and deliverables and disbursing the payments Suspend the project Initiate the termination of the grant agreement or of the participation of any beneficiary Reduce the grant, issue a recovery order regarding all or part of the payments made and apply any applicable sanction. Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011
Thank you for your attention! Project reports and reviews in CIP ICT-PSP – Coordinators Day, 23/06/2011