Cartoon Enlargement
Objectives/vocabulary Proportion..comparing length to width Negative space…the shapes around an object Positive space…the object Value…element of art….shading ….light to dark Keys to beginning ANY drawing Big shapes to small details Light sketching to dark final details
Materiels Cartoon to enlarge Ruler Pencil/colored pencils White paper eraser
Procedures cont’ Darken and fatten the outline lines and polish piece of art Make it look as “finished” as you can Attach your original cartoon Do rubric Turn in to gray basket
Procedure choose and trim cartoon Fold cartoon in half vertically and horizontally…with a pencil darken these lines Measure the length and width of your toon Multiply by 3 and draw the new sized shape on your paper…..find the half way points vertically and horizontally
Procedures cont’ Lightly sketch out the large shapes of your cartoon. Use the halfway lines as guide marks to place the main shapes of the cartoon. As you get the placement down keep moving into the drawing adding more and more detail Look up and down and across to make sure you have all elements placed correctly. After you have the drawing done to your best ability….clean up stray pencil marks…color or shade