BY Molly Franc, Alyssa Tufano, Nathan Chamberlain
Religious toleration was common in America. The Church of England was made as the faith in Virginia, Maryland, New York, the Carolinas and Georgia. Dutch Reformed was their own Calvinist denomination that was created in New York and New Jersey by Dutch settlers. By some Baptists were renamed Calvinists and some came to believe in salvation by free will.
Protestants feared and hated the pope and extended toleration more than Roman Catholics. Protestants viewed Catholics in New France (Canada) dangerous agents of Rome. Catholics lost their rights in 1691 and were forbidden to hold religious services except in private homes. Americans grew troubled that they would lose touch with their religion.
The first great American revival of people’s faith was the Great Awakening in the 1730s. The great Awakening appealed to women and younger sons of the 3 rd or 4 th generations of settlers. Emphasized the potential for every person to have a new start with God. Evangelists helped spread the revival.
John and Charles Wesly founded Methodism. Jonathan Edwards attacked new doctrines of easy salvation for all. New light and Old light traditions were divided.
Was the product of some of the great scientific and intellectual discoveries that was in Europe in the 17 th century. Encouraged men and women to look inside themselves but not in God, for guidance to live their lives and shape society. New emphasis on education and interest in politics and government. The Enlightment ideas came from abroad from England and Scottland.
Colonists placed a high value on education even though they faced a lot of challenges trying to access it. Families tried to teach their own children to read and write but it took too much work. In 1647 a law was passed that said every town was required to support a public school but some did not.
Not many children got an education past the elementary level but white people were able to achieve a degree i n literacy. At the time of the Revolution half of all white men could read and write. A rate that was higher than most European countries. African slaves did not have access to education. Indians preferred to teach their children themselves.
American had a large spread of scientific knowledge. Leading merchants and planters had become members of the Royal Society of London. A rumor was spread that people were purposefully getting people infected with small pox so they could test on them. They were first successful in England to immunize people for chicken pox.
Different jury system Different laws