Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 1 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development One Programme but two separate Sub-Programmes ENVIRONMENTENERGYOwn committee Own budget line: 1083 EUROOwn budget line: 1042 EURO Management: DGXII - D.IManagement: DGXII - D.II and DGXVII.D 4 Key-Actions:2 Key-Actions: Sustainable management and quality of water Global change, climate and biodiversity Sustainable marine ecosystems The city of tomorrow and cultural heritage Cleaner energy systems including renewables Economic and efficient energy for a competitive Europe
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 2 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 BUDGET Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development 2125 Mio. EURO Environment and Sustainable Development Sustainable management and quality of water254 Global change, climate and biodiversity301 Sustainable marine ecosystems170 The city of tomorrow and cultural heritage170 Generic Research119 Activities to support infrastructure 69
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 3 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 Our claim is to tackle relevant S & T social Problems ! How ?Selection of the contents Solving strategic problems Intersectorial R & D Interdisciplinary R & D Europe-wide effect
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 4 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 Our claim is to tackle relevant S & T social Problems ! How ?Selection criteria S & T Quality European benefit Societal benefit Economic benefit and S & T progress Quality of the project organisation
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 5 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 My intention: Make this claim plausible through two examples. Examples : Quality of Water - Policy and Research of the European Union The challenge of the post-Kyoto process
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 6 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 The water policy of the European Union affects: 1.Drinking water quality 2.Pollution by agricultural activity 3.Sewage coming from households and industry 4.Environment and agriculture 5.Bathing water quality in lakes and seas
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 7 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 Guidelines foreseen for the Quality of Water area in the European Union Advantages: integrated Management of catchment areas stronger involvement of the citizens cost-effective prices
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 8 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 First task of the first Environment key action Water: Provide means, tools and technology to enable the integrated and routine management of a catchment area, including wetlands; to link environmental and socio-economic questions and to take into account political participation.
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 9 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 Regarding......Drinking water quality Key action water … Indicators for environment quality aims for management and policy...Pollution by agricultural activity: Key action water: … To facilitate sound agricultural practices and management methods
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 10 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/ Sewage coming from households and Industry Key action City: … Strategies to avoid waste and decontamination...Bathing water quality in lakes and seas: Key action Marine ecosystems: … Implementation of the European convention to reduce nutrient load of coastal seas Regarding...
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 11 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 Methods need technologies to work, therefore... Key technologies for: Cleaning and waste removal Decontamination Monitoring
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 12 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 The Kyoto Challenge (1) 1. Exact knowledge of the atmospheric composition (of green-house gases CO 2, CH 4, N 2 O, HFCs, PFCs, SF 6 in particular) Forecast about climate changes and variability Quantification and forecast of stratospheric ozone decrease (Montreal Protocol)
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 13 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 The Kyoto Challenge (2) 2. CO 2 sources and sinks in the Biosphere Quantification of carbon and nitrogen budgets of terrestrial and marine ecosystems (biogeochemical cycles) Options for expanding the potential sinks
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 14 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 The Kyoto Challenge (3) 3. Create climate strategies to decrease green-house effects and to adapt to changing climate conditions Reduction of green-house gases (in different sectors) Development of options for sustainable development (develop management strategies and methods to estimate their impact)
Science, research and development European Commission ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Slide n° 15 of 15 MBC/fl - latest modification 10/03/1999 The Kyoto Challenge (4) 4. European components for global observing systems as contribution to the verification of the Kyoto commitments Optimal use of existing data (coordination, accessibility, synthesis) Adapting existing observation systems to the present demands Secure long term monitoring