1 Prevent, Prepare and Manage Consequence of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Brussels, Antonella PORCASI Gioia GUALDRINI European Commission DG Home Affairs Unit C4- Internal Security Fund
2 1. Action grants 2. Public procurement 3. JRC
Some figures ± 115 projects ± 47 MIO/
Classification of beneficiaries Commercial entities Research institutions Universities Law enforcement authorities
5 Geographical distribution
6 Main areas of intervention Mid-term Evaluation of 'Prevention and Fight against Crime' and 'Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other-Security related Risks' Programmes Commission Communication COM (2011)318 of 16 June 2011
Distribution by type of activity development and transfer of technology the analysis, monitoring and evaluation of activities practical exercises
8 Examples of CIPS projects 1/2 Terrorists at the dam - The Voivodeship Headquarters of Police in Kraków -Transnational co-operation between police agencies from PL, SK and CZ -Joint counter-terrorism exercise concerning a terrorist attack on a dam (critical infrastructure), which would have strong cross-border effects (not only flooding, but also electrical power cuts) -Total budget: EUR
9 Examples of CIPS projects 2/2 Leonidas Exercise - CYPRUS POLICE The project aim was to form the first live scenario of a real terrorist attack exercise in Cyprus in preparation for the EU Presidency in The main purpose of the exercise was for the Cyprus Police officers to be trained by other competent Member States authorities for improving the coordination in terrorist attack events. - -Project implemented in partnership with AT, UK and EL -Total budget: EUR
CIPS 2013 What's next ? 10
11 What to read first? AWP 2013 ( affairs/financing/fundings/security-and-safeguarding-liberties/terrorism-and- other-risks/index_en.htm) affairs/financing/fundings/security-and-safeguarding-liberties/terrorism-and- other-risks/index_en.htm Call for Proposals 2012 Guide for Applicants 2012 Project database ( affairs/financing/fundings/security-and-safeguarding-liberties/projects- database/index_en.htm) affairs/financing/fundings/security-and-safeguarding-liberties/projects- database/index_en.htm
To bear in mind CIP 2013 Annual Work Programme Complementarity vs Repetition Practical application and European dimension
13 And now the floor goes to..
14 Procedural steps Registration in PRIAMOS Submission of Application Exclusion criteria evaluation Eligibility criteria evaluaton Selection criteria evaluation Award criteria evaluation and Budget Review Award criteria evaluation and Budget Review List of proposals for Award and Rejection CIPS Programme Commitee Award Decision signed by Authorized Officer Sub- delegation Notification to Applicants
How to apply? 15 Register in PRIAMOS as an Applicant Download all Forms (both from PRIAMOS and the website) – 1 Form per Application Upload ALL filled in Forms in PRIAMOS Please note that PRIAMOS limits the size of the applications that can be uploaded to 100 MB.
Participation and success rate Eligibility Success rate (application approved): ± 50 %. To note: success rate is heavily influenced by eligibility considerations
17 Eligibility step - most frequent mistakes 10 % Co-financing not provided No co-beneficiary from another MS in a transnational project Subcontracting over 30% and/or not justified Both the Applicant and the beneficiaries are profit-oriented entities Budget not in balance: income higher than costs Wrong Forms (2009 mono Budget, Application Form from other Calls, etc.)
18 Award criteria
19 Forecast Budget – Most frequent mistakes – Staff costs Eligible only for persons that have a key and direct role in the project Conditions of employment must be shown: part of normal tasks (0 cost); overtime (2 days per month); specifically empoyed; seconded (and replaced by other person) Staff shall be allocated to the project on the basis of a clear and verifiable method and shall fill in timesheets showing the hours worked for the tasks related to the project 220 working days per year
20 Forecast Budget – Budget Review During the award procedure the Commission has the right to decrease the value of some expenditures if it is higher than available on market or remove expenditure if it does not relate to the project or is non-eligible No budgetary negotiations (Budget Review) after the award decision High expenses must be justified
21 To avoid frequent mistakes Carefully read the Guide for Applicants available on DG HOME website liberties/terrorism-and-other-risks/index_en.htm Estimated Budget as close as possible to real costs Costs reflected in the Application Form, Technical Annex and in the Timetable Costs easily identifiable per beneficiary/co-beneficiary per activity No lump sums - Except for overheads up to max 7% and no more than for the overall budget
22 Questions? address of the Programme: