+ AP Biology Course Syllabus
+ Course Structure I. Lecture-twice per week, review lectures the night before, come with questions Hardcopy and digital readings nightly-complete reading night before, come with questions Labs/Virtual Labs-review labs night before, come with questions, answer pre-lab questions
+ Course Structure II. Learning groups-meet twice a week Study commitment-minimum 4 hrs per week Completion of weekly study logs Essay writing practice Practice exams
+ Personal Philosophy Welcome to AP Biology! I enjoy teaching biology because it helps us understand our world. A greater understanding of our world allows our students to make informed decisions regarding their personal health, the environment, and the interconnectedness between our actions and others.
+ Course Description AP Biology is a class designed for students who have completed Biology and Chemistry with grades of "B" or better and who are possibly contemplating a major in a science related field or planning to attend a 4 yr. college. Students earn college credit for the class by passing the AP Biology exam given in May Students will have their choice of taking the 2009 AP Biology exam for possible college credit or a past AP Biology exam which will count as their final exam. Students who take the 2009 AP exam will be excused from taking the final exam. The class will be conducted at the college level and students are expected to work accordingly. Students should attend class regularly, except in the case of excused illness. Students will be expected to come to class prepared and on time. The overall success of the program depends in large part, on each student meeting their individual responsibilities. A significant portion of the content of this course will be covered independently by each student. Allowances should be made for substantial study time.
+ Required Materials 3 Ring Binder Standard size, loose leaf notebook paper Pencils with erasers Colored pencils Folder with 2 pockets for Lab Reports Graph paper Black ink pens Flashdrive (optional)
+ Goals 1.) To familiarize students with the terminology and concepts of Biology using a theme-oriented approach that emphasizes concepts and science as a process over knowledge of facts. 2.) To enhance problem-solving and critical thinking skills of students using hands-on labs, readings, collections, independent projects, and class discussions. 3.) To strengthen students ’ communication and literacy skills through the use of written assignments, essays, abstracts, and lab reports. 4.) To prepare and encourage students to continue further study in the Biological Sciences.
+ Major Themes of Advanced Placement Biology Science as a Process Evolution Energy Transfer Continuity and Change Relationship of Structure to Function Regulation Interdependence in Nature Science, Technology and Society
+ Explanation of the Major Themes The AP Biology Development Committee has identified eight major themes that recur throughout the course. As an AP Biology teacher I am emphasizing the pervasiveness of the themes to assist students in organizing concepts and topics into a coherent conceptual framework.
+ Laboratory I plan to cover all of the labs in the AP Biology Lab Manual for Students, either exactly or modified to fulfill my course objectives. These labs will be completed either electronically using online resources or through actual use of course equipment.
+ Class Notebook All students should maintain an orderly notebook (please obtain a large 3-ringed binder) organized as you wish. Lecture notes, handouts and study guide assignments should be included.
+ Exams and Grading Exams will be given according to the AP Biology exam format (60% objective, 40% essay). Exams will be given approximately every three weeks. Grades will be awarded according to the following format: 100% - 90% = A, 89% - 80%= B, 79% - 70% = C, 69% - 59% = D, 58% and below F. All students are expected to maintain a grade of at least " C" at all times during the year. Any student earning a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Biology exam and receiving a passing grade in the class, will have both semester grades raised one full mark ( ie. if a student earns a B for both semesters and earns a 4 on the AP Biology exam, both semester grades would be changed to A).
+ AP Exam Info xam.html?biology xam.html?biology
+ CollegeBoard Info tml tml