European Cloud Partnership Rainer Zimmermann European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate General Head of Unit Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures
European Cloud Partnership (ECP) Introduction to Cloud Computing Strategy Shaping the CC Landscape What, How and When of the ECP Next Steps
European Cloud Strategy Last year VP Neelie Kroes announced in Davos three axes for action: Legal Framework Technical & Commercial (including standardisation) Market This year she has announced the creation of the European Cloud Partnership
Public Sector International Policy Cloud for EUROPE and EUROPEANS Legal Framework STIMULATION MEASURES Strategy
Objectives Lead Market Principles for data flow, security certification Cloud for EUROPE AND EUROPEANS Single Market R&D, Innovation, pre-commercial procurement, education & awareness
European Cloud Partnership Purpose to solve problems caused by fragmentation of markets and legislation in Europe for Cloud Computing. to publish public sector requirements for clouds across Member States, regions or application areas (such as e- health, taxation, social benefit payments). Benefits better quality of demand and supply market with harmonised requirements can be addressed by active cloud providers with an assured user community.
Major Cloud challenges Interoperability lock-in risks portability of data, security settings; Privacy & Legal where is my data? whose law applies? who can access it? Governance, control no control of licensing terms, SLA, use of legacy application Security, Dependability data, outages...
European Cloud Partnership (ECP) Introduction to Cloud Computing Strategy Shaping the CC Landscape What, How and When of the ECP Next Steps
Question 1 Are European public administrations very different in their requirements from other users? Like the US Government
Still Question 1 Are European public administrations very different in their requirements from other users? Like the US Government? Multinational users?
Cloud Computing – issues by users Data Security and Traceability Contractual Issues Jurisdiction and Data Protection Interoperability and Standards
Open Data Center Alliance – Steering Committee: BMW, Capgemini, Deutsche Bank Contributor Members: Atos, CERN, Deutsche Telekom AG, ING, Telecom Italia Solution Provider Members: Hewlett Packard, SUSE, Dell Adopter Members: A1 Telekom Austria, Daimler AG, Arsys Internet SL, Poste Italiane
Usage Models of Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) Secure Federation Security Provider Assurance, Security Monitoring Automation IO Control, VM Interoperability Common Management & Policy Regulatory Framework Transparency Carbon Footprint, Service Catalogue, Standard Unit of Measurement for IaaS
Major Cloud challenges Interoperability lock-in risks portability of data, security settings; Privacy & Legal where is my data? whose law applies? who can access it? Governance, control no control of licensing terms, SLA, use of legacy application Security, Dependability data, outages...
First Conclusion There is a lot of commonality between the issues identified for the European Cloud Strategy and the Thinking of major Users
Question 2 What can Administrations do to benefit from the developments in other sectors? Why should I be in?
Positions The Cloud Computing Industrial and Market Sectors are just taking shape. The Industrial Players must position themselves in a role with respect to the market.
Second Conclusion It takes a Partnership, to balance the different interests both between commercial players and between different public administrations There might be some specificities in Europe
European Cloud Partnership (ECP) Introduction to Cloud Computing Stategy Shaping the CC Landscape What, How and When of the ECP Next Steps
ECP Organisation The ECP is proposed as a two-tier organisation: "The ECP Organisation A governance level, to be appointed, will report to VP Kroes. "The ECP Office An implementation level consisting of Member State or regional procurement representatives. The implementation level will be called. It will, under the guidance of the Organisation, issue specifications, Requests for Technology or Invitations to Tender. The Office may consult with industrial, academic or other bodies while avoiding conflict of interest.
Objectives of the ECP Phase 1 Publish requirements in Cloud Computing Phase 2 Procure proof of concept solutions Phase 3 Procure implementations in order to demonstrate conformance to requirements
Roles and Rights Publ. Authorities Suppliers Specifications and Utilisation Implementation and Operation Publ. Authorities Suppliers Specifications and Utilisation Implementation and Operation
ECP – Phase 1 EU/Member State Implementations Governance Tender Specifications R&D Specifications Consortia
Specifications Specifications go through three Phases: 1. Harmonising Requirements 2. Procure Proof 3. Procure Implementations Text Certified Behaviour Test Suite Standards
Phase one (cont) timing: first step in 2012 overall financing: 10 M call in July; Deadline tbc MS discussion on 24th April
European Cloud Partnership (ECP) Introduction to Cloud Computing Strategy Shaping the CC Landscape What, How and When of the ECP Next Steps
Ensuring Member States or Regional Administrations Commitment Commercial Consortia Composition Competing Solutions Barriers that can be removed by this Partnership Clear path to widely accepted standards European benefit Piloting PCP
Further Information Sites to drill further: mputing/library/index_en.htm - Cloud Computing mputing/library/index_en.htm agenda/index_en.htm - Digital Agenda agenda/index_en.htm - Software & Service Architectures and Infrastructures Mail to: