Questions When and which methods of learning should be used? How can the engagement and motivation of the participants be increased? How can the effectiveness of the learning process be improved?
The project For managers of small and medium-sized companies 10 courses comprising a total of 23 lessons lesson hours (1 lesson = 45 mins). Participants: – 140 managers blended learning – 140 only e-learning
Reaction Learning Behaviour and attitude Results Methodology for evaluation study
Deep interview with participants 3 months after finishing learning Self evaluation about changes in competences and behavior Posttest of Attitude Development Centre Posttest of behavior changesFinal posttest of knowledge Blended learning - 14 days training- 24 hours e-learning Knowledge pretests before every course Evaluation of satisfaction Development Centre Pretest of behavior changes Pretest of Attitude
2 Focus groups – evaluation of satisfaction Deep interview with participations 3 months after finishing learning Self evaluation about changes in competences and behaviour Posttets of Attitude Final evaluation of satisfaction Final posttest of knowledge 24 hours e-learning Knowledge pretests before every course Pretest of Attitude
Reaction - Level of participants in e- learning training
Reaction - The level of satisfaction of information
Reaction - Evaluation e-learning group – focus groups: High quality, both in terms of graphics and content, High level knowledge, Highly rated examples, exercises and tests Feedback on learning progress. Ability to print out materials Topics not always suits needs of the participants, Examples are not adapted to the industry in which participants work Problems saving files Difficulties finding lessons in the platform
Reaction - Factors influencing intrinsic motivation R^2FpBetatp 0,6681,66<0,01 Evaluation of e- learning 0,396,28<0,01 Usefulness0,427,23<0,01 Perceived control0,163,25<0,01 Perceived autonomy 0,092,02<0,05 Table shows significant predictors of intrinsic motivation Stepwise method of linear regression was adopted Four predictors explain 66% of intrinsic motivation
What people like the most? Each factor contains 5 items rating on Likert scale from 1 to 7 Colourful lines link factors statistically different at level p<0,01 (test t) People like the most two features of our e-learning: plot (series convention) and the cartoon convention (animation)
Learning - Attitude towards development The difference between pretest and posttest was statistically significant ANOVA (p <0.05).
Attitude towards the democratic - consultative management style The analysis showed that the difference is statistically significant (p <0.05) for blended learning group and not significant for e-learning group..
Attitude towards self-reliance of workers effect is statistically significant (p <0.05). Only for e-learning group
Behaviour - Are there things that you did not apply before participating in the project, and now you do? What are they?
Summary about learning In both groups was an increase in knowledge and change in attitudes and participants in both groups declared an increase in skill level. The e-learning group more highly evaluation and implementation od e-learning Participants liked e-learning as a method of soft-skills e-learning group alone achieved significant results - very similar in comparison to the group of participants who were supported with additional classroom training
Summary about evaluation Reaction questionnaire, knowledge and attitude tests - good and inexpensive evaluation tools. Coordinate the evaluation process and take care of: – consistency of methods and tools – save time and engagement of the participants – Centralize contacts in relation to people and IT tools A process map should be available for the participants all the time
Our e-learning a recipe „How to make a good comedy serial” a new world – small company established in polish enviroment 6 multidimensional and funny characters with good and bad personality sides in each lesson a story revolves around the learning content and we learn together with the characters
Ann is conscientious and sometimes clumsy Eve is stubborn and enterprising Madeleine is wise and but too critical Mark is a simple gay with rules Witold is charming and conceited Thomas is calm and a little bit slowly CHARACTERS They have problems but they solve them. They quarrel but they come to an agreement They have they own likes and dislikes …. …like in normal life or in normal comedy serial They learn in the a lesson and a participant learns with them.