Our Approach to Flipping the Hybrid Classroom Jessica Mountz and Bronston Sterner Our Approach to Flipping the Hybrid Classroom
About us: Jessica Mountz Bronston Sterner Biology teacher at Lampeter-Strasburg Teaching for 12 years (AP Biology, biology) Hybrid for one year- accelerated biology Bronston Sterner Teaching for 20 years (anatomy and physiology, biology) Hybrid for one year- general track biology
Why did we flip our classroom? Time issue Exhausting to lecture in direct (say the same thing 3 times) Previewing material allows for increased comprehension Students learn how to take notes Absent students can access content missed Students review material MULTIPLE TIMES if needed Students can work at their own pace (with some limits) Way to give the students informal assessment while they are taking notes and gathering information (edpuzzle) Time issue- There is not class time to lecture AND make sure the students understand- Keystone Preview material- completing the notes the night or day before allowed students to be involved in more higher level learning and activities Students learn notes- take own notes- sometimes an outline- questions on edpuzzle….maybe all three Can work at own pace- some students take longer to write or write more
Problems we ran into once we flipped Students do not know how to take notes Students can have a hard time focusing Motivation to complete notes (homework) Some students do not have computers to finish taking notes at home Technology issues
Students do not know how to take notes: The Solution Use edpuzzle to instruct students on how to take the notes and what notes they should have taken Using time in direct to talk about what was important
Students can have a hard time focusing: The Solution Embed questions in the video they are watching Use privacy boards http://www.classroomproducts.com/23computercarrels.html
Motivation to complete notes (homework): The Solution Small grade associated with completing notes and answering the questions embedded in the video They cannot participate in other class activities
Screen shot of edpuzzle results
Some students do not have computers to finish taking notes at home: The Solution Allowing time in class to finish Signing passes for students to come back during flex period
Technology Issues: The Solution Teaching students how to trouble shoot (mini issues) Big issues?? No hybrid (traditional classroom)
What does our flipped classroom look like? Independent- Students gather notes and other information about the next day’s topic This can be in the form of a video (edpuzzle), virtual lab, article, or case study
What does our flipped classroom look like? Collaborative- Completing an activity that reviews material learned from the previous day(s) Inquiry assignment to preview the next day’s topic
What does our flipped classroom look like? Direct- Review what the students learned in independent the previous day White board review Interactive concept map Small quiz Use a padlet to start a discussion Practice problems Review games
Favorite resources to use for the independent station Make your own video Virtual labs Animations Exploring sites Videos that are great for edpuzzle
Make your own videos Explain everything Keynote Final argument Tutorial on how to use it Keynote Final argument Notability Screencast-O-matic Showme Educreations
Summary Flipping your classroom can improve the hybrid experience for the teacher and students There are some problems that may occur when flipping your classroom, but there are solutions to those problems Flipping the classroom allows content to be reviewed and reinforced more in the other hybrid stations
Favorite Resources for biology The following slides are the resources we use for biology. They could also be used for other sciences as well.
Virtual labs McGraw Hill Virtual labs created by Glencoe All come with instructions, a link to the virtual lab, and post lab quiz and questions. All downloads are word documents that can be modified to fit your classroom needs Virtual labs created by Glencoe Some of the labs are the same as the labs from the McGraw Hill site No worksheets, but there are journals and data tables you can use to form your own worksheets McDougal Littell Students must write in the journals online to move on with the lab There are no provided worksheets (though some teachers have made some and posted them (here are those links below) Cellular respiration Gel electrophoresis Estimating population size Insects and crime scene
Animations Learners TV Biocoach Walk-through animations There are no worksheets available for the animations, but some of the animations have embedded questions Biocoach Walk-through animations Self quiz at the end of each walk-through Sumanasinc walk-through tutorials High Ed McGraw Hill Google search animations (quizzes at the end of the animations) Animations are short Wisc Online Various content areas with instruction provided and followed often by a review
Exploring sites Utah genetics DNA learning center Good genetic information and animations Some virtual labs DNA learning center Animations Articles Other DNA resources
Videos that are great for Edpuzzle Bozeman science Almost any topic in biology you can think of Crash course biology Just google “crash course biology” and the topic you are interested in Funny presentations, but sometimes need to be edited Penguin Prof Channel Many great tutorials on many topics in biology