Website Presentation Written By Mark Brady
Website Advantages Company services can be activated from the customers home, or literally anywhere. Users can find out a vast amount of information, taking “strain” off the company. Typically attracts a large amount of new customers Cheap Available 24 hours a day, even at 3AM!
Domain Names Domain names are human friendly, IE: Not machine friendly however. The domains are translated to a machine friendly IP number by a Domain Name Server (DNS) and the web browser connects to the desired website. All Domain Names are unique. The database of Registered domain companies is maintained by a company called Network Solutions.
Graphics My prototype features.PNG,.GIF and.BMP image types. Complete version will make a high level of usage of.JPG files..GIF files are used mostly by me because they can be animated and have small file sizes..BMP images have large file sizes but the images in question are rather small, so they have acceptable loading times..PNG files have small file sizes and large range of colours so they are ideal for banners.
Advanced Features I have included a hit counter and a guestbook in the prototype. The guestbook can provide comments from the user, hit counter shows the number of times the page has been accessed. In full version I have planned to implement many advanced features, for example, the use of JavaScript, mostly in image galleries.
Search Engines Search Engines scour the Internet using spider bots, or from user submissions. There are a great many Final Fantasy websites out there. The sites unique name should gain some hits. I have made use of some meta tag keywords, relevant to Final Fantasy. Full version will be submitted to some search engines manually.
Website Development I began developing this website through paper based designs. Design was developed into this prototype, through the use of Microsoft FrontPage. Prototype shall be developed into a full version, with better and more features. When complete, I shall most likely maintain this website as a hobby, as it is a subject I am most interested in.
Maintenance As mentioned, I shall maintain my Final Fantasy website. If others were to take over from me, they would be able to continue my work through the use of documentation.
Evaluation The Prototype is of course not the complete website, so it is unfit as a complete website. I didn’t make full use of my web design skills, which I shall make use of for the full version. The design is rather good, in my opinion, I believe that so far I have made a good choice of colour scheme. The complete version will feature far more content.