Images, Links, and Multimedia
Directories and Pathnames
Files index.html standard.css updatetime.js welcome.gif cis203syllabus.pdf depelmatt.doc internetbasics.ppt file name TIPS NO spaces in file names. Use all lowercase characters. Short names. Make names meaningful. Use “standard” file extensions. Browser Helper Objects and Viewers..extension
public_html componentscis203images materialssolutions Root Directories (subdirectories of public_html) (parent directory is public_html) Directories (subdirectories of cis203) (parent directory is cis203) Directory Structure (really a virtual root on most web servers)
Two Types of Pathname Absolute Pathname. Relative Pathname.
public_html componentscis203images materialssolutions../schedule.html../../standard.css../materials/introhtml.ppt../solutions/mycssdll.css../../images/welcome.gif /images/welcome.gif components/standard.jscis203/materials/depelmatt.doc components/standard.js../images/welcome.gif /components/standard.js introhtml.ppt Pathnames
Common Image Types GIF –Clipart, logos, and other simple graphics. –Animated GIF. JPG –Photographs. PNG –Replacement for GIF. BMP –Anything – but huge files – avoid.
Size and Aspect Ratio 234 pixels 400 pixels Aspect Ratio == horizontal vertical 400 pixels 234 pixels =
Resizing Guide New Size = Horizontal * change Vertical * change 400 * * 0.25 =≈ = New Aspect Ratio = Old Aspect Ratio = Slight Distortion = New Aspect Ratio =
Distortions Horizontal Distortion Vertical Distortion Aspect Ratio Preserved 200 pixels / 117 pixels Aspect Ratio Ok 100 pixels / 59 pixels
Color Depth Number of colors each pixel can take. Bits Colors –1 bit black and white –8 bit 256 colors –16 bit 65,536 colors –24 bit 16,777,216 colors –32 bit 4,294,967,296 colors More bits means more colors.
Image File Size Size larger file! Color Depth – more bits larger file! Larger file slower download! Resize images before loading to web site. General: –Most displays are 1,024 by 768. –Often do not need 32 bit.
An Image on a Web Page <img src="bige.jpg“ alt="Einstein on the stairs" />
<img src="bige.jpg" alt="Einstein on the stairs" width="320" height="187" /> Resizing an Image with Attributes Preserve the Aspect Ratio! A better approach is to resize the image with graphics editing software. This saves space and improves download time.
<img src="bige.jpg" alt="Einstein on the stairs" style="width: 320px; height: 187px" /> Resizing an Image with CSS
Float Left Some days dinner is a little late. On those days, … a lazy human.
Float Right Some days dinner is a little late. On those days, … a lazy human.
Some Additional Comments KISS! Do not get too fancy too quickly! Avoid over use of images. Respect copyrights. Do not engage in “bandwidth theft!”