Making a PowerPoint Slide By Ms. Wesley
Creating Your PowerPoint Slide Learn how to: – Open PowerPoint ………………………….…….………Slides 3, 4Open PowerPoint – Select a slide ……………………………………….….…Slide 5Select a slide – Writing a title …………………………………………..… Slide 6Writing a title – Save your work ………………………………………..… Slides 7, 8, 14Save your work – Insert text box and text into a slide / document ….….. Slides Insert text box and text into a slide / document – Insert clip art into a slide / document ………………..… Slides Insert clip art into a slide / document – Animation order of objects on the slide …………….…. Slides Animation order of objects on the slide Entry – How does the slide enter the screen for presentation?Entry Direction – What direction does the slide enter the screen?Direction Sound – What sound accompanies the object or slide?Sound – Viewing of slide in full PowerPoint screen ……………... Slide 26Viewing of slide in full PowerPoint screen
Opening PowerPoint Using the mouse or touch pad > move the curser to: 1.> Start > Click > 2.Move Curser > Programs 3.Move Curser > Microsoft PowerPoint > 4.> Click > to open 1) 3) 2) Content Page 3
Presentation Selection This screen will appear > PowerPoint 1) Click > Blank Presentation A black dot should be in the white circle. 2) Click > OK Content Page
Slide Selection This screen will appear> New Slide 1)Look at the different slides. 2)Select the slide in the box. 3)Click > OK > Content Page
Creating a Title This screen will appear > 1) In the box > Click to add title 2) Highlight the words 3) Type the name of your Core Democratic Value, (CDV), in the box. 4) Save your work: Next screen Content Page
Saving Your Work This screen will appear > 1)Locate the top Tool Bar. 2)Place the curser on the File button. 3) 4)This screen will drop down. 5)Move curser to Save As… 6) File Name Save As.. Content Page
Naming Your Work This screen will appear > 1)Go to the File Name box. 2)Place the curser in the File Name box. 3)Think of your topic. 4)Type in your Initials and the name of your CDV. 5) Save 6)Continue working on creating your slide. File Name Save Content Page
Inserting Text Box 1)Go to Insert on the top tool bar. > Click 2)This box will open and drop down. 3)Move the curser down to: Text Box 4)Click > Content Page
Text Box This screen will appear > 1)Text box appears on screen. Content Page
Increase Text Box Size 1)Locate the small boxes around the square. 2) Click on the middle box. Click Drag to the right. 3) Drag the box to the right > Increasing the size of the box Text box Content Page
Adding Lines to Text Box 1)Locate the tool bar at the bottom of the screen. 2) Click > on the 3 solid lines. 3) Move the curser to the line of choice > Click. 3) 1) 2) Text box Content Page
Adding Text to Text Box 1)Place curser into the Text Box. 2) Type in the description of your Core Democratic Value, inside the text box. Content Page
Saving - Again When you finish adding new objects to the slide, “Save your work”. 1)Locate the top Tool Bar. 2)Locate the icon. 3) 4)Your work is automatically saved. 5)Continue working on your slide. New Entry Content Page
Inserting Clip Art 1)Locate Insert on the top tool bar > Click. 2) Move curser to Picture. 3) Move curser to Clip Art. 4) > Click > Content Page
Opening Clip Art This screen will appear> Insert ClipArt 1)Think of your topic. 2)Think of what kind of picture would represent your topic. 3)Select a box to view clip art. 4)> Click > Content Page
Selecting Clip Art This screen will appear > 1)Look over the images. 2) Choose the image that fits your topic. 3) > Click > the image. 4)A black box will open around the image. 5)A small window will open. 6)> Click > the top box > Insert clip Content Page
Placing One Image 1)Click the curser on PPT page, the image will appear. 2)Place the curser on the image, moving it until the 4 arrows show. 3)Using the curser, pick up the 4 arrows and move the image to the location you like in the page. 4)Select one of the boxes around the picture, until the arrow appears. 5) The arrow will increase or decrease the image. “Save your work.” Content Page Drag box
Placing Images 1)Continue selecting images. 2)You will need to think about the placement of the image, in relation to the text. 3)This text box was changed to fit the images. 4)Using 1 to 3 images with your text, per page is recommended. “Save your work.” Content Page
Slide Show Animation 1)Select > Slide Show > on the top tool bar. 2)Move the curser down to > Custom Animation > 3) Click > to open. Content Page
Custom Animation This screen will appear > 1)You are looking at the >Custom Animation> box. 2) This box will help you choose the order in which image comes into view first, when presenting your PPT. Content Page
Order of Images 1)Look in box. This names all the objects on your slide. 2)The number is the order in which you placed them on the slide. 3) Placing a check in the box, tells the object to become animated, when viewed. 4) Look in the box. This tells which image will come into view first. This will appear on the screen> Animation Order Object “Save your work.” Content Page
Entry - Animation This will appear on the screen> 1) Highlight the object you want to animate. 2) Select the Effects tab. 3) Click > on the arrow in the first small box. 4) Choose the Entry animation for the image. 5) Click > Preview, checking the effect. Entry Preview Object “Save your work.” Content Page
Direction - Animation This will appear on the screen> 1) Highlight the image you want to animate. 2) Select the Effect tab. 3) Click > on the arrow in the middle small box. 4)Choose the Direction animation for the image. 5) Click > Preview, checking the effect. Direction Preview “Save your work.” Content Page
Sound - Animation This will appear on the screen> 1) Highlight the object you want to animate. 2) Select the Effect tab. 3) Click > on the arrow in the second box. 4)Choose the Sound animation for the image. 5) Click > Preview, checking the effect. Sound Preview “Save your work.” Content Page
Viewing Slide Show To see what you created: 1)Locate the bottom PPT Tool Bar. 2)Find the icon. 3) 4)The slide you created will be viewed in full screen. 5) ESC to return to working document. “EXCELLENT WORK!” Content Page Slide Show Icon