Mrs. Lewis Welcome to 3 rd Grade The ABC’S For Success
A is for…Agendas Check for teacher notes Daily homework assignments Reminder Notices
B is for…Behavior Chart Card System Blue Card (1 st offense) Yellow Card (2 nd Offense) Red Card (3 rd Offense) Will receive call or after 3 rd offense.
C is for…Calendar Behavior Calendar Please check and initial daily. This is my daily communication with you about your child’s day. (Includes both behavior and responsibility)
Behavior Calendar
D is for…Daily Dismissal Car Riders (need a car rider number) YMCA/Walkers Bus Riders
E is for…Early Dismissals No later than 2:45pm. –Car Rider lines/bus lines are backed up, or you may block them in if held up in the office, etc. –Any dismissals before 11:30a is considered a full day’s absence.
F is for…Folders Purple Folder –This goes home everyday. Must come back to school everyday. –It holds behavior calendar, homework, and notes home. –Separated into pockets (Teacher/Parent Communication, must return to school, keep at home, and behavior calendar pocket)
G is for…Grades Grading scale of A, B, C, D, F. –A’s : –B’s : –C’s : –D’s : 70 – 74 –F’s : 69 and below –No more E, S, N. (Please note the range of what S’s used to be.)
H is for…Homework Small amount of homework every night, except Fridays. I feel it is necessary, that is why I assign it. It is NOT optional. Homework not completed, will have to stay in for homework club at recess.
I is for…Ice-Cream Fridays (12-2pm). 50 cents.
J is for…Jobs Take turns every week –Being able to see things from another perspective Stress importance of monitors…must do their jobs fairly.
K is for…Kleenex/Clorox Wipes These are welcomed anytime… –Wiping down of tables/desks every other day. –Clorox/Disinfectant sprays are also welcomed. –Supplies (spiral notebooks, composition books, pencils, copy paper)
L is for…Lunch Lunch at 11:03a – 11:28a. Lunch money is the responsibility of your child to carry. Lunch Room Letters (shows balance and if you owe the lunch room money). No Charges
M is for…Money Any money that you send in must be in an envelope, labeled.
N is for…Notes Home All notes will be in purple folder. If you need to sign it, it’s in Must Return To School side. If it’s a letter, it’ll be in Keep At Home side. –I am trying to teach responsibility this year, hopefully the children are taking the responsibility to check their folders every night.
O is for…Office Referrals Discipline –I try to handle them in classroom. –3 rd offense for same behavior will be referred to office. –Note will be sent home if this happens… is my preference for this communication.
P is for…Papers Graded papers –No special folder. –Sent home stapled together in purple folder. –Any work below 80 (79 and below must be corrected and returned).
Q is for…Quality of Work Handwriting / Legibility –Will be asked to re-do assignment if paper is dirty, crumpled, or handwriting not legible. –Encourage students to take pride in whatever they do. –A Job worth doing, is worth doing well!!!
R is for… Rules/Routines/Rewards Children have been briefed of expectations. Expected school behavior, class behavior, etc. Consequences (pulling cards, loss of recess time, no Fun Friday). FUN FRIDAY (reward system). –Bring in a board game
S is for…Standard School Attire System Wide Navy Blue and White (shirt) –Marvin Wright Elementary Shirts: red, Royal blue, Shamrock green, and light tan. Pants:Dark blue, black, jeans (No cargo pants)
T is for…Transportation Bus Riders –Please emphasize safety –Bus Drivers can write children up for misbehaving or inappropriate behavior. –RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Alternate transportation is needed, and it will be an inconvenience to you. So, please emphasize good choices.
U is for…United Front/Teamwork Any questions or concerns, please channel it through me. I won’t disrespect you or your decisions at home by contradicting what you say…I hope you show me the same respect. We need to be working together, not against each other.
V is for…Volunteers PTO –Front Lobby Classroom –Field trips –Making copies –Rewards (snacks, movies, ice-cream)
W is for…Writing –Journals (3 times a week) –Friday Letters (Please take the time to read and reply) –Cursive Handwriting (starts in 3 rd grade)
X is for…Xerox Could use a volunteer to make copies at home.
Y is for…YAHOO? communication Limited/Saving paper…would prefer to send notes or reminders via .
Z is for…Zeros… I have a No Zero policy and do not accept zeros. Papers will be attached to graded papers with only a name, date, and assignment title. Your child is expected to complete every assignment…one zero will bring down the their average for that subject.
Questions? Please send me an so I can add you to address book. Will send 3 rd grade standards via attachment for those who are interested.