INDEPENDENT GROUP PROJECTS (ca. 3 days) Goals Test own hypothesis based on prior literature study Design own experiment Carry out field work & experiments Advanced data analysis and data interpretation Oral presentation and written report (in English) Collective intelligence in ants Contest evolution in shore crabs Aggregation behaviour in mussels Kin recognition in sea anemones Shelter selection in isopodsCoexistence of snail colour morphs
Literature search Endnote database – CTRL-ALT-P to open PDF
Literature search KUL proxy plus Google Scholar
Guidelines for projects Good projects should be conceptually / hypothesis driven and test specific concepts from ecology or behaviour ecology Purely descriptive projects are discouraged (e.g. rocky shore zonation, comparison sheltered vs exposed coast, transect studies) Experimental studies are better
Example topics Behavioural ecology Game theory / animal contest evolution Kin recognition Self organization Aggregation behaviour Anti-predator behaviour Selfish herd effect Behavioural syndromes / animal personalities Human behaviour ecology / experimental game theory Ecology Habitat selection Niche segregation Local adaptation Dispersal Plant-pollinator interactions
Study organisms – Marine / Shore Sea anemones (Anemonia viridis, Actinia equina) Shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) Broad clawed porcelain crab (Porcellana platycheles) Barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides, Elminius modestus) Dog whelk (Nucella lapillus) Topshellls (Gibbula) Limpets (Patella vulgata) Periwinkles (Littorina) Mussels (Mytilus edulis) Sandhoppers (Talitrus, Orchestia) Sea lice (Ligia oceanica) Blennies (Lipophrys pholis) Prawns (Palaemon elegans, Crangon crangon)
Study organisms - Freshwater Tadpoles (Bufo bufo) Boatman (Notonecta glauca) Palmate newt (Triturus helveticus) Cladocera (Daphnia, Simocephalus) Copepods (Cyclops, Diaptomus)
Study organisms - Land Snails (White-lipped snail Cepaea hortensis, Helix) Woodlice (Armadillidium vulgare) Ants Lasius niger, Lasius alienus Formica fusca, Myrmica rubra
Guidelines for projects Project text: extended abstract (max 2 pages), with 3-5 key references, hypothesis, methods, key results & graph(s) of results plus stats in legend Presentation: 15 mins + 10 min questions