Promise Ohio Art Education Association Board of Directors Meeting Sept. 12, 2015
the PROMISE in a new school year
The PROMISE in a new sibling
The PROMISES you keep
re-dedicate to OAEA... to Unite to Stimulate to Encourage to Advocate, Endorse, Support to Inform (from “The Purposes of the Association”)
Group Picture Time!
Committee Meetings 10:15 - noon 1.Professional StandardsRandy Robart, Past-President a.Awards writing task force 2.Regional DirectorsAlice Tavani, 1st Vice President 3.Public Relations/ Advocacy ChairsCarrie Barnett, 2nd Vice President 4.Exhibitions CommitteeDawn Norris, St. Exhibitions Chair 5.Communications CommitteeErin Kraly, Communications Chair 6.State Conference CommitteeCathy Sweny. Local Conference Coor. Lunch noon - 12:45pm
Board of Directors Meeting 12:45-3pm Call to order/ set agenda* Laura Tawil Approval of May 16, 2015 minutes Georgann Blair President’s Announcements Laura Tawil National Arts in Education Week Sept , 2015 Recognition of Leaders whose terms end Dec. 31 Sign-in twice, please Sign-in for attendance record with Secretary (especially for PDU credit record) Sign-in for mileage reimbursement with Treasurer (see also for vouchers) See Juli Dorff for Professional Development credit
Sept , 2015
Thank you for your service Sherrie Dennis, Parliamentarian Randy Robart, State Conference Coordinator Cathy Sweny, Local Conference Chair Dana Cerrito & Liz Cleary, State Awards Chairs Diane Gibson, EC PR Mary Haas, NC PR Rebecca Molnar, W RD Mel Rainey, NE RD Kate Ungrund, SW RD
Business ○Amendments to the Constitution & BylawsL. Tawil ○Strategic Plan updateS. Mitolo/ L. Tawil ○NAEA participationL. Tawil ○Western Region Conf., Santa Fe, NM+ Robart, Tavani & Barnett ○School for Art Leaders, Bentonville, AK+ M. Young ○OAEA Call for Officers; R. Robart ○Pres-Elect, 1st VP, Treasurer, Elected Bd. Member ○OAEA Call for Appointments; ○State Conference Coor., State Awards, YAM Exhibition Chair, YAM Coor., Parliamentarian and others
on Making Amendments to the Constitution OAEA Constitution; Article VIII, Amendments CURRENT ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS The Executive Committee shall consider and review any proposal for Constitutional amendment and have the final authority to place the amendment on the ballot. Amendments with a ballot shall be distributed to active/retired voting members 30 days prior to the voting deadline. Two-thirds of the votes cast are required for passage of an amendment. TO ARTICLE VIII - AMENDMENTS The Executive Committee shall consider and review any proposal for Constitutional amendment and have the final authority to place the amendment on the ballot. Amendments notification shall be distributed to active voting board members 30 days prior to the voting deadline. A majority of the votes cast are required for passage of an amendment.
on Making Amendments to the Bylaws OAEA Bylaws; Article IX, Amendments CURRENT The Executive Committee shall consider and review any proposal to amend the By-Laws and have the final authority to place the amendment on the ballot. Amendments with a ballot shall be distributed to active voting members at least 30 days prior to the voting deadline. A majority of the votes cast is required for passage of an amendment. TO The Executive Committee shall consider and review any proposal to amend the By-Laws and have the final authority to place the amendment on the ballot. Amendments notification shall be distributed to voting board members at least 30 days prior to the voting deadline. A majority of the votes cast is required for passage of an amendment.
Business ○Amendments to the Constitution & BylawsL. Tawil ○Strategic Plan updateS. Mitolo/ L. Tawil ○NAEA participationL. Tawil ○Western Region Conf., Santa Fe, NM+ Robart, Tavani & Barnett ○School for Art Leaders, Bentonville, AK+ M. Young ○OAEA Call for Officers; R. Robart ○Pres-Elect, 1st VP, Treasurer, Elected Bd. Member ○OAEA Call for Appointments; ○State Conference Coor., State Awards, YAM Exhibition Chair, YAM Coor., Parliamentarian and others
Strategic Plan 2016
The Strategic Team Executive Committee President Laura Tawil Past President Randy Robart 1st Vice President Alice Tavani 2nd Vice President Carrie Barnett Secretary Georgann Blair Treasurer Bev Finkel Elected Board Member Chris Bergert Parliamentarian Sherrie Dennis Membership Chair Suzanne Mitolo Foundation Pres. Dennis Cannon Communications Chair Erin Kraly Local Conference Chair Cathy Sweny Board Members State Exhibitions Coor Dawn Norris ARTline Editor Meghan Dillon Online Process and Interactive Data Admin Sarah Danner Hebdo Professional Development Chair Juli Dorff Conference Workshop Coor. Diane Thorpe Best Practices Chair Adrian Vance Hawk State Awards Co-Chairs -- NAEA SAL Scholar (and Secondary Div Chair) Matt Young
Our Supporters Julie Graber, Brains for Business Ohio Arts Council
Working Together
3 Strategic Goals organization structure membership engagement and services conference
Moving Forward 3 Task Forces *opportunity* working Oct. & Nov. Draft for December 5 Plan for January, 2016
Business ○Amendments to the Constitution & BylawsL. Tawil ○Strategic Plan updateS. Mitolo/ L. Tawil ○NAEA participationL. Tawil ○Western Region Conf., Santa Fe, NM+ Robart, Tavani & Barnett ○School for Art Leaders, Bentonville, AK+ M. Young ○OAEA Call for Officers; R. Robart ○Pres-Elect, 1st VP, Treasurer, Elected Bd. Member ○OAEA Call for Appointments; ○State Conference Coor., State Awards, YAM Exhibition Chair, YAM Coor., Parliamentarian and others
Western Region Conference Santa Fe, New Mexico June 18-21, 2015
O’Keeffe Country
the “BIG 3” membership engagement leadership development conference
Business ○Amendments to the Constitution & BylawsL. Tawil ○Strategic Plan updateS. Mitolo/ L. Tawil ○NAEA participationL. Tawil ○Western Region Conf., Santa Fe, NM+ Robart, Tavani & Barnett ○School for Art Leaders, Bentonville, AK+ M. Young ○OAEA Call for Officers; R. Robart ○Pres-Elect, 1st VP, Treasurer, Elected Bd. Member ○OAEA Call for Appointments; ○State Conference Coor., State Awards, YAM Exhibition Chair, YAM Coor., Parliamentarian and others
July 27-31, 2015 Bentonville, Arkansas
Arkansas! Who knew? photos of downtown Bentonville
Surrounded By Inspiration
Art At Every Turn
Who we are Inaugural class 25 applicants accepted Diverse group in gender, age, region, division, experience
Our Guides Debra Alvis Enid Zimmerman Elizabeth Guman Bob Sabol Dennis Inhulsen Renee Sandall Niki Stewart
Your Representation: Laura Tawil Matt Young
Program Purpose: “To provide a transformative experience for art educators to both inspire and prepare members to become active leaders of positive change in the field of art education”
How we’re doing it: Studying leadership models & strategies Studying ourselves Designing ways to “move the needle” 6 month collaboration
Program Activities at Launch NAEA Competency Leadership Model DiSC assessment of Leadership Style Total Leadership by Dr. Stewart D. Friedman Marking & Mapping Journaling Mindful Leadership Practice Leadership token
BUILDING A COMMUNITY OF LEADERSHIP Not only did the SAL provide a template for leadership…….. But built a community of sharing best practices and support.
Program Activities beyond 3 Leadership Experiments 3 Virtual Meetings 1 Final Capstone Project Longitudinal study 2016 NAEA National Convention
Impact on OAEA Represented among high performing leaders Sharpen skills to better serve OAEA Leadership development seed to plant in OAEA
Join the Next Round NAEA members - announcement “call for applications” early as Feb. for 2016 class
Business ○Amendments to the Constitution & BylawsL. Tawil ○Strategic Plan updateS. Mitolo/ L. Tawil ○NAEA participationL. Tawil ○Western Region Conf., Santa Fe, NM+ Robart, Tavani & Barnett ○School for Art Leaders, Bentonville, AK+ M. Young ○OAEA Call for Officers; R. Robart ○Pres-Elect, 1st VP, Treasurer, Elected Bd. Member ○OAEA Call for Appointments; ○State Conference Coor., State Awards, YAM Exhibition Chair, YAM Coor., Parliamentarian and others
Call for Officers President-Elect 1st Vice-President Treasurer Elected Board Member
Call for Appointments Parliamentarian State Awards Chair State Conference Coordinator YAM Exhibition Chair YAM Coordinator
Executive Committee Action Items 1.Financial UpdateTreasurerBev Finkel 2.Conference CommitteeSt & Local ConfR. Robart/ C. Sweny 3.Regional Committee1st VPAlice Tavani 4.PR/Advocacy Committee2nd VPCarrie Barnett 5.Professional Standards CommitteePast-PresRandy Robart 6.MembershipMembership Ch.Suzanne Mitolo 7.FoundationOAEF Pres.Dennis Cannon 8.Elected Board MemberElected-Bd MemberChris Bergert 9.Other Action Items
Board of Directors Action Items Distinguished Fellows Kurt Reichert, Chair Communications Committee Erin Kraly, Chair Digital- Google, and online updatesE. Kraly/ S. Szilagyi/ S. Hebdo ARTline - fall issueMeghan Dillon, Editor Exhibitions Committee Dawn Norris, Chair Emerging Artists HS ExhibitionPam Palmarini & Jen Thompson YAM/ YPAE/ JTACO prep for conference K. Burichin, M. Newton & M. Higgins-Linder Professional Development Juli Dorff PDU procedure for today’s meeting, conference Washington D.C. June, 2016 State Awards with Tavani and Tawil BIG changes - online nomination form Other items from the Board of Directors
Thank you for your service and dedication
find the promise of blue skies ahead