Oak Hills Youth Athletics Basketball Instructional League Coaches Meeting November 1, 2014
Agenda Tim Wilking – President Welcome Introduction of Board Coaches Background Checks Disciplinary Committee Review Codes of Conduct
Agenda Scott Roberts – Instructional League Coordinator Thanks Addresses from Coaches (Form) League Purpose Coach Expectations Instructional League Specific Rules Participation Rule Concussion Law Alcohol and Tobacco Policy Reporting Issues Oak Hills Basketball Questions
Specific Rules 3 rd – 5 th Grades –No Front Court Defense –No trapping / double teaming outside lane –Isolation – All players must participate 6 th Grade –1 st half – No zone defense –No backcourt pressure with lead of 10 points –Isolation – All players must participate Practice Format –3rd – 5th grades – Two 1-hour ½ court practices per week –6th grade – one 1-hour full court and one 1-hour ½ court practices
Participation Rule Participation Rule: All players must play at least 50% of the game
Ohio Concussion Law Ohio Law requires all Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Referee's to complete an online concussion training course The link to the Concussion training site can be found on the OHYA website under the “Coaching Requirements” link off the home page
Ohio Concussion Law Coaches need to supply OHYA with the certificate they receive on completion of the training and need to keep a copy of the certificate with them so it can be produced if requested
Alcohol and Tobacco Policy Per Ohio State law, Alcohol and Tobacco are prohibited on the grounds of any OHLSD school This includes the parking lot
Reporting Issues The only method for reporting issues to OHYA is via Contact Us on the OHYA website Anonymous letters, word of mouth, phone calls, etc will not be addressed or taken seriously
Oak Hills Basketball Boys Instructional, Boys Select and Girls Select players can get into OHHS Boys / Girls Varsity basketball games at no charge when they wear their OHYA basketball jersey Encourage your players, parents and siblings to attend
Tim Wilking – League Scheduler Website Usage and Access Reporting Scores Scheduling – Practices and Games Practice Rules Facility Utilization Weather Agenda
Website Website Usage –The website is your main point of access for information about OHYA –Please use it rather than calling League Coordinators and Board Members as it has the most up to date information –Please direct your parents to the website for information
Website Coaches Corner (Forms)
Website Reporting Scores –The Winning coach is responsible for reporting the game score through the website –The link is under Contact Us and on the Boys Instructional League home page
Schedules Links to your game schedule will appear on your team page –To get your full season game schedule, find your team and click on the link.
Schedules Links to your practice schedule will appear on your team page
Practice Rules Practice Requests – Please make practice requests through the website - The link is under Contact Us and on the Boys Instructional League home page
Practice Rules Just because the other half of the court from you doesn’t have a team on it one week doesn’t mean it will always be like that When the date or date/time of your normal practice in a school is listed as unavailable, you do not have practice It is the your responsibility to know when there are conflicts and to inform their players. No one will call you to remind you. If you have a conflict, the head coach must look at the Practice Schedule to identify a Location that will work for a practice.
Practice Rules Do not just show up at a school which had an open time when you last looked at the schedule. You must reserve the time or you will not be allowed in the gym Custodians and school administrators have access to the practice schedule just like you. If you just show up, you will be asked to leave Rapid Run can be used to practice 4 teams at once. It is listed on the website as Rapid Run North and Rapid Run South
Facility Utilization Practices and games are a privilege not a right It is your responsibility to keep your players and parents under control Have your parents keep your players younger / older siblings under control Sometimes issues arise with utilization of the schools. Please work through your building coordinator who will work with me to get the issue resolved If you are aware of a conflict and the practice schedule shows the school being available, please bring it to my attention using the Contact Us functionality on the website so they can be reviewed Your players are only allowed in designated areas
Facility Utilization Please do not bounce basketballs in any area other than the gym Do not enter the gym until it is your practice time out of respect for the team practicing in front of you Absolutely do not enter the gym when a school team is practicing If you cannot live within the rules, then you or the appropriate party on your team will be referred to the Disciplinary Committee for action Please treat the school custodians, staff and administration with the respect you would expect if you were in their position Delshire Elementary - Finger Print Access
Weather If there is a weather situation on game days, you should do the following: –Go to the website for information. We work with the school district administration to determine if we will have access to a building or buildings on a given day. When decisions are made regarding access, they will be posted on the website
Jeff Braun – Equipment Coordinator Dick’s Coupon Packets Equipment Issues (sizes, quantities, and etc.) Equipment Return – Coaches’ Responsibilities Send to: Equipment Request underneath the Contact Us Tab Agenda
Tim Wilking - President Wrap-up Questions “THANK YOU!” Agenda