Managing the Editorial Process Using Workflows in Archie IMS Support Person: Becky Gray Place: Keystone, Colorado, USA Date: Tuesday, 19 October 2010
General plan for today Brief review of basics of workflow system More detailed look at a few more advanced topics Focus will be on helping you use the workflow system to manage your Group’s work at least one level above the management of indiviudal reviews – Customize system to meet your needs more closely – Reduce/simplify repetitive tasks – Generate basic reports/summary information about your Group No hands-on exercises, but some live demos
Background to today’s session Three-stage pilot of the workflow system now completed – Steering Group has decided that use of the system will become mandatory for all CRGs (sometime, in some form) Survey recently conducted of MEs in workflow pilot CRGs New version of Archie (3.3) deployed on 15 September 2010 with many new features relating to workflows
Specific agenda Basics of the workflow system New (in Archie 3.3) options for customization – Part 1: Task s – Part 2: Workflow templates Reports, summaries, and overviews (drawing on ME survey results) Discussion/questions
Purposes of Archie’s workflow system To help CRGs: Keep track of where each review is in the editorial process Inform people (Editors, Authors, Referees) when they need to take action Plan and prioritize work across multiple reviews Identify and analyze trends in the Group’s processes (e.g., by identifying common “bottlenecks” in the review process)
What is a workflow? An ordered and interrelated sequence of tasks that need to be completed to achieve a finished product (e.g., a published protocol) – sometimes depicted in the form of a “flowchart” Involves some decision tasks (“yes/no”), as well as non-decision tasks May involve repeating loops or parallel strings of tasks
Workflows available in Archie Title Registration Protocol Development Protocol Amendment Review Development Review Amendment Review Update
Other (Archie-specific) terms Workflow Roles Similar to Document Roles – link specific people with specific tasks in a workflow Workflow Manager Person at the editorial base who is responsible for the editorial processing of a review and for managing the associated workflow
Workflow Properties – People tab People tab lists the Workflow Roles available for the selected workflow and shows the people these have been assigned to
Other (Archie-specific) terms Task Individual task within a workflow – assigned to a specific person or persons via Workflow Roles Task duration Length of time scheduled for completion of an individual task (in days)
Other (Archie-specific) terms Task assignee Person to whom a task is assigned Milestones Markers in the Tasks list indicating that a significant point in the workflow/editorial process has been reached (e.g., authors have submitted their review for editorial approval)
Workflow Properties – Tasks tab
Workflow Properties – Files tab
Task s Introduced in Archie 3.3 (15 September 2010) Expansion and improvement of the former “ticketing system” Allow for more customization Reduce repetitive work
Archie’s “ticketing system” A special messaging system within the workflow system o Used to inform people outside the editorial base when it is time for them to perform a specific task o generated by the system is sent to the person assigned to the task; all documents needed to complete the task can be attached to the o Recipient accesses a web link in the to let the Workflow Manager know (via Archie) when the task has been completed and to submit relevant documents (e.g., completed refereeing forms)
Advantages of the ticketing system Easy communication between editorial base and people assigned tasks Provides task assignees with everything they need to complete their task and report back to the editorial base without logging into Archie Integrated into the workflow system – allows tracking of communication and automatic updating of information about tasks
Limitations of the ticketing system Possible to customize the text of ticketing s, but had to do this on an individual, case-by-case basis Not appropriate for use in cases where a ticket is not needed, e.g., when simply reminding people within the editorial base of their tasks
New task system – three major changes 1) Now two different types of task s: Ticket – Task containing a link to a ticket that allows recipient to complete task and submit documents Information – Task without a ticket. Used to communicate about a task when a ticket is not needed, e.g.: – To communicate with TSC about a task assigned to her/him. TSC logs into Archie to mark task as complete, so doesn’t need Ticket. – To provide author with information relating to “Submit draft protocol/review for editorial approval” task. No need for ticket, since submitting the draft marks the task as Completed in the workflow.
Click Create Creating a (ticket) task To create a task open the task Properties and go to the s tab Or in the Tasks tab of the workflow Properties right- click an In Progress task and choosing Send Task …
Creating a (ticket) task The Message tab provides a preview of the ticketing that will be sent to the task assignee and allows you to edit the subject line and the text of the , add cc recipients, and mark the as high priority From pull-down menu it is possible to choose to send a Standard ticket or Standard information
Creating a (ticket) task On the Attachments tab you can select documents to attach to the ticketing These may include a version of the review (in RevMan and/or PDF formats), documents stored in your CRG’s Files folder in Archie, and/or up to 10 documents stored on your local computer not bigger then 5 Mb Use or buttons to browse to the files On the Attachments tab you can select documents to attach to the ticketing These may include a version of the review (in RevMan and/or PDF formats), documents stored in your CRG’s Files folder in Archie, and/or up to 10 documents stored on your local computer not bigger then 5 Mb Use or buttons to browse to the files Tick “Attach a review version” to attach a copy of the review in RevMan or PDF (or both) formats Click OK to send the Ticket
Receiving a Ticket The assignee will receive an with the subject line and text as previewed and edited by you The includes: a. a. A link to the actual ‘ticket’ which allows the recipient to notify you (via Archie) when they have completed their task b. b. A link to a one-page document with a brief explanation of the ticketing system c. c. Any documents you selected for attachment The includes: a. a. A link to the actual ‘ticket’ which allows the recipient to notify you (via Archie) when they have completed their task b. b. A link to a one-page document with a brief explanation of the ticketing system c. c. Any documents you selected for attachment b a c
Accessing the Ticket If the task involves submitting comments or feedback, files containing these can be attached to the ticket for transmission back to you (and saved in the Files tab of the Workflow’s properties) If the recipient’s comments are brief, they may be typed directly into the ‘Brief notes’ box, which are saved as a ‘Notes made’ Event in the task’s History When the ticket recipient clicks Mark Task as Done the task is automatically marked as Completed in the workflow in Archie
Creating an (information) task From pull-down menu it is possible to choose to send a Standard ticket or Standard information
New task system – three major changes 2) Now possible to create and save multiple task templates that can be used repeatedly in different workflows: New “Edit Task Templates” option Can customize templates in multiple ways
Editing Task Templates Right-click the name of your CRG and choose Edit Task Templates... Go to Tools > Edit Task Templates… Highlight the name of your CRG, the go to File > Edit Task Templates… To edit or create a task template, begin by doing any of the following:
Edit Task Templates Demo (see handout): View Standard information and ticket s To create a new task based on one of the standard templates, begin by creating a Copy of the relevant template and modify this To create a new template “from scratch,” click Add and build your new template
Examples Examples of task templates you might want to create: Ticket for External Referees for task “Review and comment on draft protocol” Information for TSC for task “Check and comment on search strategy” Other examples?
Customization of workflow templates Workflow templates can be customized in some ways to reflect more closely the way your Group works Searching in Archie and survey of pilot MEs suggest that relatively few CRGs currently using customized templates New option introduced in Archie 3.3 (15 September 2010)
New task system – three major changes 3) Now possible to link specific task templates with specific tasks in the workflow templates Once this is done, whenever you opt to send a task related to the selected task in the selected workflow, the task template you have identified will appear as the default option
Editing a workflow template To edit a workflow template for use in your CRG, begin by doing any of the following: Right-click the name of your CRG and choose Edit Workflow Templates... Go to Tools > Edit Workflow Templates… Right-click your CRG’s Workflows folder and choose Edit Workflow Templates…
Editing a workflow template Select the template you want to edit from the pull-down list
Editing a workflow template To select individuals who should always be the default choice for specific Workflow Roles, go to the People tab and use the Select Person icons to match specific people to specific Roles The people you select will appear as the default selections for the specified Workflow Roles each time the new workflow is run Click OK to finish
Intermission: Discussion and questions?
Survey of pilot MEs Asked some specific questions about use and perceived utility of various kinds of reports, summaries, and overviews Good news and bad news here...
The bad news… Not quite where we want to be yet (one- click access to the most frequently used reports and summaries) However...
The good news… There are a number of fairly simple things you can do now to generate useful reports, summaries, and overviews ME survey revealed that pilot users are (generally speaking) not aware of many of these options
A reminder Reports we are discussing will be most helpful if/when you are running workflows on a high percentage of your active reviews
Options now available Customizing the Workflows folder view under Resources Using Advanced Search Using the Workflow Status Report
Customizing the Workflows folder view Clear from survey that many MEs are not aware of possibilities here Advantages: – Very good for getting a quick overview of status of things in your CRG – Can sort on columns – Can export to HTML table or Excel Limitation: – Does not show tasks
Using Advanced Search Clear from survey that many MEs are not aware of possibilities here Advantages: – Can do fairly complicated things, including crossing workflow and task searches – Can export search results to HTML table or Excel Limitations: – Search syntax fairly complicated/unintuitive – Can’t sort search results in Archie
Using the Workflow Status Report Clear from survey that many MEs are not aware of possibilities here Advantages: – Can provide detailed information on workflow and task status – Report can be saved and/or printed Limitations: – Must generate separate reports for titles/protocols/reviews in some cases – Output can provide too much detail (especially in large CRGs)
Three sample reports All protocols and reviews currently in the editorial process All protocols and reviews overdue at any stage in the editorial process Current workload of [Person X] in my CRG
Report 1: All protocols and reviews in the editorial process Strategy: Use the Workflow Status Report Demo/exercise – see handout
Report 2: Protocols and reviews overdue at any stage in the editorial process Strategy 1: Use the Workflows folder view for a quick overview Strategy 2: Use the Workflow Status Report for more details Demos/exercises – see handout
Report 3: Current workload of [Person X] in my CRG Recommended strategy: Use Advanced Search for Tasks Demo/exercise – see handout
Discussion and questions
Where to get help and support Most up-to-date documentation on workflows currently in Archie Help User Guide on Workflows will be updated soon to reflect Archie 3.3 If you have any questions or encounter any problems using the workflow system, please contact your IMS Support person