Conservation Of Sentry Milk Vetch By: Brianna Huerta Scientist Mentor: Kristen Haskins
What Milk Vetch.?: The milk vetch is known as a rock hugging plant. The milk vetch is endangered. Not only is it endangered, it is endemic.
Where does Milk Vetch Grow?: Since it is endemic, it only grows in one place. The Grand Canyon is the only place in the world where this plant grows.
Where was Milk Vetch First Discovered?: Milk vetch was first discovered at the Grand Canyon. The endangered plant was discovered by Marcus E. Jones.
Why does it only grow in the Grand Canyon?: It is endemic, so it only grows one place on earth! It is endangered so it has to be taken care of carefully.
Growing Milk Vetch: Milk Vetch only grows about one inch. At the Grand Canyon, there are over 1,750 different species of plants but, there is only one federal listed endangered plant. Which is the milk vetch.
How Much dies Milk Vetch grow. Milk vetch only gets about one inch high.
What does Milk Vetch mean: Milk Vetch also has another name. It is “Gorge Watchman.”
Conclusion: The milk vetch is an endangered plant. Not only is it endangered, but it is also endemic. This means it only grows in one place. The only place milk vetch grows in the Grand Canyon. Milk Vetch only grows about one inch. It has to be monitored by staff. Milk vetch grows on limestone.
Professional Recognition: Kristen Haskins; Research Scientist