Call for proposals on prevention and preparedness projects in civil protection and marine pollution Info Day, Brussels, 20 March 2013 Civil Protection Policy, Prevention, Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Unit Call for proposals on prevention and preparedness projects in civil protection and marine pollution Info Day, Brussels, 20 March 2013 Biljana Zuber Civil Protection Policy, Prevention, Preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction Unit 1
Projects submitted and co-financed YearProjects submitted Projects selected
Preparedness & Prevention projects Two separate sections in one call for proposals, each with its own objectives and budget: 1. Preparedness projects (2.1 MEUR) 2. Prevention projects (2.1 MEUR) 9
7 Publication: 12 February 2013 Closure: 12 April 2013 Award decision: October 2013 Agreements signed: end of 2013 Maximum co-financing rate: 75 % Maximum amount: EUR Published on the website: rep_cp_marine_pol_en.htm
Preparedness priorities 1. Actions aimed at improving cross border civil protection and marine pollution cooperation, regarding preparedness for, direct response to and reducing consequences of natural and man-made disasters, including the consequences of CBRN events. 2. Actions aimed at enhancing operational cooperation in the framework of the Mechanism, enabling Participating States to develop, exercise and register multinational modules (Modules to be deployed in emergencies-national CP authority must be involved). 10
Preparedness priorities 3. Actions aimed at increasing the Participating States' preparedness for receiving assistance (actions in line with council conclusions on HNS, 2 nd December 2010 and EU HNS guidelines) 4. Actions aimed at developing and implementing an improved approach to data and information collection and compilation from civil protection interventions and exercises at national level, covering the entire disaster management cycle. 11
Prevention priorities 1. Improvement of the knowledge base and data on disasters and their impact, including actions assessing the costs and benefits of risk prevention measures. 2. Hazard identification and risk modelling, taking into account climate change adaptation 3. Actions developing innovative solutions (including insurance) for financing disaster prevention 4. Actions aiming at enhancing the links between prevention and sustainable development (ecosystem based approach, forest and water management) 12
Who can submit a proposal 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Croatia and FYROM legal persons -public or private (public sector bodies, public administrations, universities, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, commercial firms, etc.) 15
Other conditions Maximum duration of the project: 24 months Minimum number of Participating States (PS): at least two PS – preparedness projects at least three PS – prevention projects 14
Evaluation criteria Admissibility Eligibility Exclusion Selection Award 22
Admissibility criteria Deadline must be respected Number of copies of the proposal (1 original + 2 copies paper + electronic version: CD, memory stick) Use of standard forms Forms must be signed All forms must be sent (not applicable = NA) mandatory annexes must be complete
Eligibility criteria Applicant must be established in one of the countries specified (geographical admissibility) Legal status of the applicant Minimum number of PS Proposal must fall within the scope of this call
Eligibility criteria Project or project activities must not receive any financial support under other EU financial instruments Co-financing rate must be within the limits of the EU contribution Projects must demonstrate that they are complementary to the efforts already made in the PS
Exclusion criteria Apply to the applicant bankrupt or being wound up convictions grave misconduct debts towards the sate fraud, corruption, involvement in criminal matters conflict of interests misrepresentation or information not supplied
Award criteria 1.Understanding (clarity, relevance and consistency of the rationale, objectives and planning of the proposed project) 2.Methodology to be used for the project implementation (ways and means for translating the project into practice and producing the expected results) 3.Cost-effectiveness of the project (budget structured and rational, justified and coherent, resources appropriate for the activities, means proposed = project cost-efficient) 4.European dimension of the project (priority at the EU level, relevance for more MS, results are transferable,..)
Selection criteria Does the applicant have necessary: 1. operational capacity (evidence of adequate operational capacity and professional qualifications and experiences (CVs) 2. financial capacity (budget/annual turnover,..) to carry out the project?
New financial regulation in place, January 2013 Possibility to invite applicants before award to adjust their proposals in light of recommendations of the Commission One applicant can send just one proposal 23 New
Tips Looking for partners - our website might help Examples of previous projects-our website Read grant application guide carefully Choose only one section: prevention or preparedness, not both Original forms with signatures should be originals and not colour copies 21
Actions in the project should not start before January 2014 Start collecting all the forms early enough Try to write clear and concise proposal with concrete results in mind Should you not receive acknowledgement of receipt of your proposal from the Commission - get in touch 23 Tips
In case of further questions: Consult our website: : C ECHO- ECHO- 23 Thank you for your attention and good luck!