Welcome Registration Staff In-service
Information UAMS considered a black hole
Centralization of Referring Physician Information Synchronized Centralized Accurate Accessible 3,657 updates made to PROU in 2009
Referring/Primary Care Physicians Medipac/Registration Workstation Requirements
PCP ID Field Medicaid/Insurance Providers will not pay if missing or incorrect Why is it important?
Referring ID Field Needed for proper patient follow-up treatment Why is it important?
ChartScript Transcription System/Logician Fax Tool Required for patient notes to fax to Referring and PCP
Capturing the PCP/Referring Physician Ask the following: Who is your family doctor (PCP) - the one you see when you have a cold or the flu? Is there a physician who sent you to our hospital that needs to receive follow-up information?
Adding the PCP physician If there is no referral on file when adding a PCP physician on Medicaid patients, you must make a note in the CPI comments field for the billing office.
Professional Selection screen includes City and State
Fields in Medipac for Additional Referring Physicians
Professional Master List Use #52334, as a temporary entry Put a comment in the patient’s account with the physician’s name Step 1: What if a physician is missing?
Professional Master Update Form Fill out the Professional Master Update Form Master Step 2:
Professional Master Update Form cont. Physician Relations will update the patient record If not updated within 24 business hours, Step 3:
Offers Referring Physicians Access to UAMS Medical Records via the Internet 1,894 Referring Physicians enrolled 1,142 Staff enrolled 68,656 Patients enrolled
Granting Physician Access Change the MDOK field to (Y) The patient or their legal representative signs the Authorization form Updated daily by system download UAMS Physicians automatically have access; therefore a form is not required on UAMS physicians
Denial of Physician Access Change the MDOK field to (N) Patient completes: Denial section of the form
Field in Medipac for MD-Link
Field in Registration Workstation for MD-Link
Printing Authorization Form in Medipac
Printing Authorization Form in Registration Workstation with Auto-Print Check the Print MD OK Form box when checking the Print Profile/Labels box Two copies of the form will print
Printing Authorization Form in Registration Workstation Manually Enter #1064 and the number of copies (2)
Printing Authorization Form in Registration Workstation
MD-Link Patient Authorization Form ***Form must be on file for all patients*** Two forms print from Optio and are signed by patient Scan form to the Authorization Folder Patient receives other signed copy
Patient Authorization Form cont. ***Form must be on file for all patients*** Yes or No flag will pull forward if form previously completed Print form on patients: - Who have not completed a form - Who have a change in their physician
Please remember the PCP and the Referring Physicians Our Success at UAMS depends upon your help! Thank You