Chapter 22: Illegal Drugs


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 22: Illegal Drugs

Key Terms Substance Abuse Illegal Drugs Illicit Drug Use Overdose Addiction Marijuana Paranoia Inhalants Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids

Key Terms, cont. Psychoactive Drugs Designer Drugs Hallucinogens Euphoria Depressants Stimulants Opiates- drugs such as those derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain. Rehabilitation- the process of medical and psychological treatment for physiological and psychological dependence on a drug or alcohol.

Health Risks of Drug Use Main Idea: Substance abuse includes the use of illegal substances, as well as the misuse of legal substances. Factors that influence teens– peer pressure, family members, role models, media messages, perceptions of drug behavior, and misleading information. According to the CDC, more than 70 percent of ninth graders have never used marijuana.

Effects of Drug Use Physical effects Mental effects Social effects Tolerance- a condition in which the body becomes accustomed to the drug and causes the user to experience a need for more and more of the drug to achieve the desired effect. Does this cause the gateway effect??

Consequences of Drug Use Teens who use illegal drugs may stop pursuing their interests and goals. May lead to other risky behaviors Drug use is a leading factor in teen depression and suicide. Drug use is directly related to violence Drug use puts a burden on family and friends.

Marijuana Studies have shown that a teen who uses marijuana is 15 times more likely to use cocaine than a teen who has never used marijuana. Effects of marijuana may vary from person to person, and can be influenced by a person’s mood and surroundings. Some effects include: Hallucinations and paranoia

Marijuana Effects of Marijuana, cont. Impaired short-term memory, reaction time, concentration, and coordination. Decreased initiative and ambition Bloodshot eyes, dry mouth Lung irritation, coughing Heart and lung damage Increased risk of lung cancer Weakened immunity to infection

Marijuana Effects of Marijuana, cont. Increased appetite Increased risk of stillbirth and birth defects Changed hormone levels In females, risk of infertility In males, lowered sperm count and testosterone levels

Consequences of Marijuana Marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke. Marijuana contains 421 different chemicals. Marijuana users often inhale the unfiltered smoke, which can cause damage to the respiratory system. Marijuana raises levels of dopamine, which causes a pleasurable feeling (a “high”). When the drug wears off, the pleasure sensation stops, typically called a “crash.”

Consequences of Marijuana The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 10 to 22 percent of drivers involved in car crashes were on drugs.

Inhalants Most inhalants depress the central nervous system. Immediate effects include a glassy stare, slurred speech, impaired judgment, nausea, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, and lack of coordination.

Steroids Steroid use can result in unnatural muscle growth. Some side effects include weight gain, acne, high blood pressure, and liver and kidney tumors. Steroids may cause violent behavior, extreme mood swings, depression, and paranoia.

Psychoactive Drugs Stimulants Depressants Amphetamines Cocaine Crack Methamphetamine (Meth) Depressants Barbituates GHB Rohypnol (roofies) Tranquilizers

Psychoactive Drugs, cont. Opiates Codeine Heroin Morphine Opium Oxycodone (Oxycontin) Hallucinogens DXM (tussins) Ecstasy (MDMA)

Psychoactive Drugs, cont. Hallucinogens Ketamine LSD Mescaline (peyote) PCP Psilocybin (mushrooms)

Psychoactive Drugs Club drugs, stimulants, and depressants can cause irreversible health damage. Hallucinogens and opiates seriously alter the sensory controls in the brain.

Living Drug-Free Most teens never experiment with illegal drugs. Choose healthy alternatives Find support from friends, family, and the community.

Media’s Influence Why does the media reference drugs so much? Do we see a lot of anti-drug messages?

Please…….. Make Good Choices!!!!