Electronic Medical Records Medical Record Errors Illegible handwriting Medical Abbreviations Handwritten medical notes Accuracy But is costly Training Setting up software
Choosing Software Choosing Vendor Testing Training Support
Capital Expenditure Long-term improvement Costs Medical equipment expenditure Very costly lawsuits Electronic Medical Records will reduce medical errors
Current value value of a future payment on a given date Definitely financial gain - Huge saving on implementing an EMR Reduction in Lawsuits Undesirable Drug Events Needless medical testing Additional hospital stays Unapproved claims
Projected Revenue to estimate what will the revenue be Electronic Medical Records save expenses by Reduction in Office personnel and staffs transcriptionists chart storage cost Enhances emergency room coding evaluation and management coding
Opportunity Costs The cost of passing the next best choice when acquiring a decision One option vs another option Implementation cost Comparing financial loss in each options
Overall Costs Costs required to implementing EMR Hardware Software Training staff support user friendly
Legal Threats Reduction in Lawsuits Lifetime storage Maintenance Yearly maintenance cost Increase in utility bill
Federal grants Medicare incentives Tax credits Software stimulus packages
Advantages Patients Improved healthcare Accuracy Faster treatment & decisions Organization Transferring patient information Increased number of patient seen daily Reduced operational costs
Disadvantages Patient Privacy Distractions Reduced personal touch Organization Costly Maintenance Training