Step 1. Find your child’s desk. Step 3. Please fill out the online form if you did not do so on Meet The Teacher Night Step 4. Step 2. Respond back to your child’s letter. Make sure you know where you will travel for block B and block C Welcome Follow the steps below
Erin Plummer Room 153
7:45-8:05- Media Center 8:05-8:20 Unpack/Announcements 8:20-9:20- Science 9:20-9:50- Personalization/S.S 9:55-11:20- Block B 11:25-12:20- Block C 12:10-12:35- Lunch 12:35-1:25- Block C 1:25-1:35- Homeroom/Pack Up/Read Aloud 1:35-2:00- Recess 2:05- 2:55- Specials 3:00-Dismissal
Day 1 Chinese DAY 3 PE Day 5 Music Day 2 Guidance/Medi a Day 4 Art
Day 6 PBL DAY 7 PE
Stinger Says.. BE RESPECTFUL BE READY BE RESPONSIBLE Behavior Cards 80% Passport/stickers Rewards
We flexibly group students in Reading and Math. We initially looked at EOG or other state tests along with grades and any other data that was available to us from the end of fourth grade. We’re assessing students all the time to see if their placement appropriate. The teachers will meet as a team during data teams to discuss movement of students. Your child’s homeroom teacher will let you know if a move will occur.
Assignments are weighted (tests, projects, notebooks, quizzes, classwork, and homework) Grades are entered every 7 days in Power School
Should be 45 minutes- not including assigned Reading time
Please fill out the online excuse form when your child is going to be absent. If you do not have access to the online form, please send in a note the day your child returns back to school. When a child returns back to school, they need to check the While You Were Away board for makeup work. Students have the same amount of days they were absent to make up their work.
Writing is integrated in all of our subjects. Smaller writing units will be a part of the reading block
Forces and Motion; Matter: Properties and Change; Energy: Conservation and Transfer; Weather; Cells/Human Body; Ecosystems; Evolution and Genetics Science notebook Vocabulary notecards Science assessment in June on the computer. Number 1 in county Grades come from classwork, science notebook, in-class projects and activities, and tests Automatic homework- study science notebook Nightly for 15 minutes. 8:20- 9:20
All About the United States: Current Events History Government Economics ~Interactive units and notebook ~Grades come from classwork, quizzes, notebook checks, tests
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school-filled with water. They can take it to other classes. Students may bring a snack to eat in the morning during homeroom at 9:30. Must be something small and easy to eat while they still work. Snack Water Bottles
Birthday treats may be brought to school. Must be store bought. We do have nut allergies in our classroom so we are a NUT FREE room. Birthday treats will be shared with homeroom classes during pack up or morning snack times since students are with their block C classes for lunch. Please me to let me know if you will be sending in a birthday treat to share with our Homeroom at least 3 days in advance. Birthday Treats
~ We will be 2 to 1 in our technology here at HES ~ 5 th Graders will use Mac Air Laptops ~Students are allowed to B.Y.O.T ~Please go to the Harrisburg webpage and fill in the permission form before letting students bring technology Technology
If students have an iPad they can download the Dream box app as well as the vocabulary app for iReady. If students are using a droid device they will need to download the puffin web browser app. This web browser will allow them to get on Dream box via the web. Technology
~Please with any questions or concerns. I will get back to you within 24 hours. Due to our schedule I will be checking in the morning but not again until the end of the day. If you need to change transportation for your child, please call the front office. ~Folders will come home on Thursdays. Please sign the index card that are in the folder to show you saw the papers. ~Please also sign your child’s behavior card on Thursday evening. Communication
Frank Liske Park- Different stations based off our science standards 2 nd trip ???? Cabarrus Arts Council UNCC Education Day Middle School visit
June 7,2016- D.A.R.E Graduation/Awards 8:45. Usually lasts until about 10:30 PTA meeting September 10, 2015
My website is updated daily. You can check your child’s Reading and Math teacher’s pages as well
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Math B block *3 days a week for PBL with Ms. Quigley (40 min) *Dream Box (Daily for 45 min) *Mini Lessons and Small groups (Fractions, Decimals, Multi-Step Word Problems. *Math 4 Today
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*Math Minute *Mini Lesson (5 th and 6 th grade skills) *Alecks or Dreambox (45 min daily) *PBL *Small Groups for extra help if needed *Math Rules (Due Friday) *AIG pullout time 30 min a week *Math Olympiad
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