The Power Hour Conquer your biggest challenge- time!
Ideally it’s a 1 hour a day committment 4 topics that you will break up into 15 minute blocks Making phone calls Dedicate the time, be discipline Power Hour for business, for leaders and for personal.
You may get to a place where you want to spend more then 15 minutes on what area. Picking up the phone can be very hard for some. Remember it’s only 15 minutes! You CAN do anything for 15 minutes. Can’t find an hour a day? Break up into 4-15 minute sections Do 3 times a week Find a system and stick with it!
Getting Started: You can choose notebooks or file folders. Recommend 4 different colors. Quick, easy to locate Traveling business Easy to put things into them
Have things in order around you. Organization is important when you are running a business. Keep sticky notes in a variety of places for easy use. #1 Reason calls don’t get made: Don’t have the number handy.
#1 Booking Leads Folder This file will contain people you are going to call to book a home or basket party. This will be an ongoing list. Prioritize the list Put all your leads here! Your leads should come from: 1.Top 100 list you made when you first became a consultant 2.Home party leads- when you get a lead at a home party make notes. Example: blonde hair with red sweater, moving into a new house, owns a floral shop, etc. Remember: people like to talk about themselves so use this information to engage in conversation. Remind them why you are calling. Example: I am calling you today because you had asked me to give you a call in the spring to book your home show so you could get your FREE Scentsy. Or… I am calling you today because my host special is a FREE plug in from our new catalog and everyone is loving it!
3.On the go leads. These are people you meet when you are out and about. This is where branding can really bring you the business. Always offer to help…take care of replacement, dissatisfied, etc. Repair their Scentsy experience and you can earn them as a customer and more. Use those sticky notes and put this information in your folder when you return home. 4.Previous Hosts Place a catalog in the mail then follow up with a call. Tell them about WOTM, cupcake and she is a baker! 5.Referral Leads Past host refers her cousin to you, etc.
#2 Recruiting Leads Folder 1.Home parties Again refer to your notes- Susan just had a baby, wants to stay at home, took packet 2.On the go Waitress would love to work less hours, gave packet, drives 40 miles each way to work 3.3 rd party Referrals Friend tells you her sister was laid off and looking for a part time job. 4.Repeat Hosts You have made a connections with her, she has done several shows for you, time to book your fall show and then “flip” her as a consultant.
o We get leads and don’t follow up. o We don’t make it a priority. o Ongoing list: prioritize this list. o Make notes and additions and when needed start a new sheet. o Being attentive and following up shows good character and they will want to work with you. Move to Action… o Ask them if they have any questions about the info pack o Get a date booked for a show- an Exciter show. o They tell you it’s not a good time…ask them if it would be okay to follow up o periodically with them. o Put them on the cold list- send them a catalog with a note every 6 months, Give them a call…Scentsy just announced their next incentive trip is to Hawaii and I know you love to travel..if you join now we can go together! o Put them on the hot list- if they say give me a call next week/month, etc. Use your hot list for recruting NOW.
#3 Customer Care Don’t’ get in panic mode. Take care of the customers you already have. They have bought from you, they will repeat if you follow up and make them feel Valued. We all have the time. We just don’t realize it- write down how you spend your time each day and you will find an hour or at least 15 minutes each day. It’s easier to maintain an existing customer then it is to get new ones. A good customer (you define) is going to be on your regular contact list. Make sure and make keep notes: name, when you met, where you met, some items she purchased and some of her “want” list items. A great time to get this information is when uou are finalizing an order at a home party. Example: Where you able to get everything you wanted tonight? Having a show is a great Way to get the rest. I will keep you on a list to call so you can get your other items.
Make the most of it… Don’t forget to take care of outside order customers- If anything you DO want to call them since you didn’t have the opportunity to share the host/join opportunity. Do you think everyone walks away with everything they want that night? Then why not call them back? Ask questions. Example: Are you enjoying your products? Have you used it? Call before they run out. Many times they think about calling you however don’t have your number handy, get distracted, etc. Must call after sending out catalogs- they will dog ear the catalog, put in magazine stack and toss in many cases. Do your job and call them to get the products they already know they want. Support other Direct Sellers they are easy to take care of.
Customer Care Cards Create a card for each host. 1.Make sure they got their order and everything is great. 2.Contact the guests and do the same as #1 3.Best time to call is between 7-8pm if possible. You can refer to your notes as to which guests work from home, nights, etc. 4.Keep calls short and to the point. 5.Random calls- placing special order this Friday, did you get the with the special promotion? 6.Always leave a message if you don’t get them. Example: This months special is awesome and I can’t wait To tell you about it. 7.Add these orders together and put in as a party so you earn the host rewards.
#4 Host Coaching folder 1. Place an individual sheet of paper with host contact info in the folder 2. Create a check list items you will be touching base with your host Ideas can include: Thank you for securing your party date card, check on invites/list, Create her wish list, outside orders, reminder calls to invites, specific warmers to bring, Guest list count, bag party drop off, etc. Ideally you want to touch base with them 10x prior to their party date. Record the dates of when you did what. This should stay in your Host Coaching folder until the 10 th and final “touch” has taken place. 10 th touch point should be after all the product has been delivered
Happy Hosts… This system is to ensure everything gets done. You want to make sure you keep them in “show” mode. The 10 touch points will make it happen. Your host is your best advocate. Keep them happy! Many bookings will happen after customers get their product…capture them. Let your host know they can still get FREE gifts from you for additional bookings they refer.