THE OFFICE OF STUDENT CONDUCT: AN OVERVIEW Graduate Student Orientation Fall 2015 Adam Jussel, Director OSC
Learning Outcomes We hope that at the end of the day you... Understand OSC’s mission and purpose Understand the conduct process Understand your role and obligations Understand how to handle Academic Integrity (AI) violations
OSC Mission The Office of Student Conduct upholds the WSU Standards of Conduct for Students in a fair and equitable manner. We seek to involve students in the conduct process, recognizing their rights and responsibilities, and fostering self-determination and transformational engagement.
Goals of the Conduct System Educate the student or students Deter future misconduct Assist the student(s) involved Protect the community
Purposes of Standards of Conduct “Code of Conduct” Sets out conditions governing students’ eligibility to remain part of WSU community Defines what our living/learning environment is Serves as a protection to that community
Standards of Conduct for Students Acts of Dishonesty Disruption or obstruction Disorderly conduct Abuse of others Theft or damage to property Hazing Failure to comply w/ officials Violations of policy, rule or law Alcohol and drugs Weapons Unauthorized use of devices Computer abuse or theft Discrimination and Harassment Sexual harassment and misconduct Stalking Reckless endangerment Trespassing Retaliation
Jurisdiction of WSU Standards of Conduct All on-campus conduct University sponsored activities Off-campus conduct that adversely affects university community/pursuit of its objectives. From application awarding of degree Applies to all students full-time, part-time, grad, undergrad, professionals, those who aren’t “enrolled” but have continuing relationship with WSU or have been notified of admission
Criminal System vs Conduct System Criminal Punitive The court can compel you to appear Have the right to legal representation “Beyond a reasonable doubt” Possible consequences include prison or even death Conduct Educational Student can choose to not participate in the process The student must represent themselves “More likely than not” Possible consequences range from a warning to expulsion
Walk-in and Telephone Reports Office of Student Conduct Processes Conduct Resolution Notice to Appear Contest a Violation (within 14 days) Investigative Meeting Conduct Officer Hearing Decision Sanctions Appeals Board Decision within 20 days after appeal submitted How Cases Enter and Flow through the Conduct Process Online Form Submissions Misconduct Sexual Assault Hazing (to Director for routing) OEO Investigative Memorandum (to Director) Presidential Review within 10 days after Decision of Expulsion or Loss of Recognition optional Police Interagency Meetings/Police Reports (to Conduct Officers) Residence Life Incident Reports May appeal within 21 days after decision Source of Reports Conduct Board Process Notice to Appear Conduct Board Decision Sanctions Director may refer to Conduct Board Faculty Online Reports Academic Integrity May Petition to Delay within 10 days after Decision
Notice to Appear Conduct Board Hearing Administrative Hearing with Conduct Officer Notice of Decision and Sanctions within 10 days after hearing Appeal of Decision or Sanctions within 21 days Appeals Board Decision within 20 days after appeal submitted Conduct Board Hearing Conduct Code Violation Notice to Appear Administrative Hearing Conduct Resolution Decision and Sanctions Student may Contest Charges within 14 days after notice with reasonable notice Dismiss Case In Cases of Expulsion or Loss of Recognition President’s Review within 10 days after Decision Petition to Delay within 10 days after Decision optional
Alcohol & Drug Policy Found at: Medical marijuana use on campus
Other Important Policies to Know Downloading or Sharing Files/Software Good Samaritan Guideline EP 15
Mandated Reporting An employee of Washington State University must report any disclosures or suspicions of: Sexual assault, stalking, or violence (emotional or physical) perpetrated because of someone’s gender or relationship status All allegations of discrimination or harassment (protected classes) Abuse of a child or vulnerable adult Imminent harm to self or others Hazing 48 hours is the standard time frame in which to report. Who to report to? Supervisor or head of department/unit can help you contact: Police, CPS, or APS OEO OSC DOS
More About Mandated Reporting You are not responsible for investigating the disclosures or verifying their validity When in doubt, report In cases of immediate imminent danger call 911!
Student Conduct Goals Educate Deter Assist Protect Jurisdiction Students who have a continuing relationship w/ WSU Both on and off campus Purpose and process Educational not punitive Different processes than criminal system Different standards of evidence Different consequences Important policies Drugs and alcohol Medical marijuana EP 15 Mandated reporting
Academic Integrity In Academic Integrity cases, the instructor acts as the Conduct Officer, so it’s important that you understand the definitions, policies, and processes.
Scope of the Issue July 1, 2014 to July 1, 2015 Academic Dishonesty- Cheating 88 Academic Dishonesty- Plagiarism 82 Total 170 (That’s about 5 new cases each week of class!) Of those... Charges Dropped 1 Not Responsible 9 Pending/Unknown 7 Responsible 153
Definitions of Academic Integrity Violations (WAC ) Unauthorized assistance Unauthorized sources Unauthorized materials Fabrication Unfair advantage Scientific misconduct Unauthorized collaboration Unauthorized knowledge Plagiarism Unauthorized multiple submissions Sabotage Falsifying records
Most Common AI Violations Unauthorized Assistance Use of unauthorized materials in taking quizzes, tests, or examinations, OR giving or receiving unauthorized assistance by any means, including: talking during quizzes, tests or exams copying information from another student using electronic devices or taking an examination for another student Fabrication The intentional invention or counterfeiting of information in the course of an academic activity. The most common form is counterfeiting a record of internship or practicum experiences. (by far): Plagiarism Presenting the information, ideas, or phrasing of another person as the student’s own work without proper acknowledgement of the source. WSU’s policy makes no distinction between intentional and unintentional plagiarism, which means that: One improper citation IS plagiarism. This also includes submitting work created by someone else as your own, including purchasing papers online.
Initial Hearing/ Determination with Instructor AI Hearing Board Decision and Sanctions within 10 days after hearing Referral to Conduct Board in cases of 2 nd offense or egregious offenses Academic Integrity Violation Appeal of Instructor’s Decision or Sanctions within 21 days Additional Educational Sanctions Assigned by Conduct Officer or Referral to Conduct Board Academic Integrity Appeal Hearing If instructor finds student responsible, a report to OSC is submitted online. Conduct Officer Action 21 days after instructor’s decision (if no appeal) or immediately following AI Hearing Board’s decision (if found Responsible):
What happens if there is an alleged violation? When an academic integrity violation has occurred, the instructor: Compiles evidence supporting claim Meets with student about issue Makes determination if violation occurred and imposes academic sanctions if appropriate Reports incident and decision to Office of Student Conduct Then: Student can accept instructor’s decision OR student has 21 days to appeal decision If student appeals, AI Board makes independent decision based on the information provided by the student and the instructor.
First Steps Assemble the Evidence: Offending work Statements by witnesses Original sources if plagiarism “Preponderance of the evidence” Notification Private As quickly as possible Provide date, time and place for face-to-face meeting Communicate c oncerns through or phone
…and then Meeting Show evidence to student Allow him or her to respond Notify student that you are required to report to OSC Notify student you will provide them with outcome and summary of meeting, academic sanction, and appeal information Two parts of the AI process Academic sanction from the instructor University sanction from OSC The academic sanction must be in line with syllabus statement
Outcome Outcome of meeting Provide student with written statement ( is ok) Outlining evidence Summarize meeting Sanction 21 day appeal period Notify OSC Complete online form copy of offending work any original sources of plagiarism a copy of any written communication with student regarding the plagiarism copy of syllabus
AI Appeal Process Academic Integrity Hearing Board Teaching faculty and a chairperson Recommended by Faculty Senate Function of Board Separate and independent determination of responsibility Determine whether sanction is appropriate and in accordance with syllabus statement Timing 21 days from date of your letter Hearing Letter will go to student and instructor indicating time of hearing, instruction of witnesses, evidence, etc...
Syllabus Statements Articulate the standards that you are willing to enforce Allow students to understand the consequences of dishonesty Clarify academic and behavioral standards in advance
Academic Integrity Instructor Responsibilities Compile evidence Meet with student Determine responsibility and impose academic sanctions Report to OSC On-line reporting form Two Part Process Academic sanction Imposed by the instructor Spelled out in the syllabus University sanction Imposed by OSC Educational sanctions