ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June European Research and Innovation Observatory Jocelyne GAUDIN European Commission, Joint Research Centre ERAC Plenary meeting Dublin, 13 June 2013 Joint Research Centre (JRC) Serving society, stimulating innovation, supporting legislation
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Introduction Commissioner Mairé Geoghegan-Quinn Research, Innovation & Science President José Manuel Barroso 27 Commission Members DG Research & Innovation (RTD) Director-General Dominique Ristori Joint Research Centre The JRC inside the European Commission JRCs role is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies - see JRC website at
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Introduction The JRC was established institutes in 5 countries: Italy, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain 2,845 permanent and temporary staff Over 1,400 scientific publications per year 125 instances of support to the EU policy-maker annually Budget: 356 million annually, plus 62 million earned income Where you can find the JRC Headquarters – Brussels IRMM – Geel, Belgium Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements ITU – Karlsruhe, Germany and Ispra, Italy Institute for Transuranium Elements IET – Petten, The Netherlands and Ispra, Italy Institute for Energy and Transport IPSC – Ispra, Italy Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen IES – Ispra, Italy Institute for Environment and Sustainability IHCP – Ispra, Italy Institute for Health and Consumer Protection IPTS – Seville, Spain Institute for Prospective Technological Studies
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Introduction Context Overall concept, mission and tasks Project state of play Perspective
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Context Need to address the lack of data & information Context of the European Semester & Country specific recommendations Lack of data Lack of up-dated data Lack of comparable data Contrasting with international key partners: USA: Battelle Institute (up-to-date and forecasts)
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Context Need to improve the data collection Evaluation of ERAWATCH 2: quality of information, but some shortcomings: Governance issues Outdated technologies Limitations of standard data collection & standard templates Formulation of recommendations for the Research and Innovation Observatory
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Context April Setting up of the European Research and Innovation Observatory A core business of the JRC... Scientific expertise, staff and computational infrastructure Reputation of integrity and independence Existing experience... at the service of: The EU: Commissioner, DGs (primary user: DG RTD) The Member States and Associated countries The general public: universities, researchers, companies, citizens
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June R&I Observatory answers to address these needs Quantitative data: shortcomings & answers Multiplicity of sources: EUROSTAT, OECD, World Bank, WIPO,... import and store datasets on the same place Fresh quantitative key indicators (GERD, BERD,...) produce "estimates" (nowcasting methodology) Benchmark at international level merge datasets to allow international comparison
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June R&I Observatory answers to address these needs Qualitative data and policy monitoring: shortcomings & answers (1/2) Needs for more and more precise information concerning policy measures ERA and IU Communications: around 160 "items" MS16 Cross-border access to Research InfrastructuresMS16_18 Share of non-national researchers (from Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries) accessing RI of European Interest (Member States) MS39 Recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchersMS39_37 Assessment of the degree of implementation of legal and policy initiatives and incentives related to female researchers' recruitment, retention and career progression, gender imbalances in decision making processes and the gender dimension in research programme MS46 Open Innovation and knowledge transfer between public and private sectorsMS46_46 Degree of adoption and implementation of national KT strategies focusing on KT between public and private sector (Member States)
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June R&I Observatory answers to address these needs Qualitative data and policy monitoring: shortcomings & answers (2/2) Limitations of surveys, case studies Administrative burden Costly and lengthy process Concerns on the reliability of replies Challenge BIG DATA...
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June R&I Observatory answers to address these needs Challenging BIG DATA with most advanced technologies BIG DATA: Large amount + complexity + heterogeneity + unstructured Specific challenges: multiplicity of languages DATA MINING and CONTENT ANALYSIS: New tools to capture and analyse UNSTRUCTURED data on time EMM – European Media Monitoring experience – JRC Ispra Access to documents and text analytics (e.g. OSInt)
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June R&I Observatory: a large scale knowledge infrastructure... Information system, incl. secure data warehouse Quantitative data collection and processing Qualitative data and policy monitoring, collection and classification Country and policy analysis Country and policy Analysis Quantitative data processing Information system Qualitative data & policy monitoring An information system based on 4 strands... based on 4 interconnected pillars:
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Information system Test and development environment available since 03/2013 (located in Ispra) Prototype development work on-going Local data center under construction in BXL Software and hardware acquisitions on-going Estimated to be operational 09/2013 Parts of development to be outsourced
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Quantitative data: data retrieval List of reliable sources (Eurostat, OECD, others) and their links Library of indicators and search tools for navigating through them Automated update and collection of data and metadata. Visualisation of key data
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play In June for the past year. In Dec., for the running year EU Business R&D expenditure (BERD) EU R&D budget appropriations (GBAORD) EU R&D expenditure by Governments (GOVERD) Other estimates in study Sample prototype products with estimates of EU BERD and GBAORD for 2012 Data processing Quantitative data: generation of estimates
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Estimate: example of the BERD
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Qualitative data Extensive list of web sites (Ministries, funding agencies, specialised news, etc.) from EU Member States, Associated Countries and selected third countries Communication with national practitioners (CIRCABC) Library of multilingual keywords for detection/collection (e.g. 'open innovation') Communication with national practitioners (CIRCABC) Monitoring and automated retrieval of relevant documents from web sites Annotation and processing in the Observatory Data Hub
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Policy monitoring: work on key words
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Policy monitoring: information retrieval
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Analysis Both at country and sector levels 1 st deliverable: country fiche : short – structured – simple & easy to read Prototype under construction Medium term: sectoral analysis (KETs, bio- economy, etc.) Prototype Country Fiche Country ID – main socio-eco. indicators Key R&D financial flows Framework conditions R&D and Innovation process External environment Sectoral analysis IRELANDIRELAND
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June State of play Concept developed from April Core team assembled List of main data sources and key datasets identified. Tests with automation ongoing Two test estimates produced for 2012 for EU (GBAORD, BERD), and one for 2012 US BERD Over 1800 sources identified for automated monitoring of developments relevant to R&I Prototype country-specific fiches being designed
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June R&I Observatory main added value Consolidate access to data and analyses fragmented across many sources Address delays in availability of quantitative data Ensure instant/timely information about policy relevant developments First brick towards a large scale infrastructure for knowledge about innovation and R&D
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Next steps Presentation to the outside world: "estimates" methodologies (Eurostat, ECFIN, OECD) components of data mining methodology (source book, keywords & code book) – ongoing "country fiche" prototype Identification of possible cooperation with countries planning to build similar tools Website release EC internal website available since 04/2013 Production website planned for 10/2013
ERAC Plenary meeting, Dublin, 13 June Research and Innovation Observatory Thank you for your attention... Follow up contact: