The ICAO Standardization Process
2 Introduction Not going to attempt an introduction to ICAO Nor all its documentation ICAO produces international standards and guidance We need these for airborne surveillance and also for its use ICAO needs to know what we need We need to know how to tell them
3 What we said in Malmo Jean-Marc Loscos gave a presentation on this subject Excellent description of the plans of SCRSP, the Surveillance and Conflict Resolution Systems Panel It has all changed! SCRSP is dead – long live ASP, the Aeronautical Surveillance Panel –new, reduced, programme
4 In this talk: Why standards? How ICAO develops standards Recent developments in ICAO The ASP programme of work Other ICAO Panels What do we need? How do we get it done?
5 Why standards? Same procedures everywhere Avionics permitted & usable everywhere ICAO standards can give basis for certification –but “SARPs are not intended to help manufacturers” Interoperability “gate to gate”, “total system performance”, “common understanding” and all that gumph
6 How ICAO develops standards The standards are in Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation The Secretariat maintains these Annexes They make proposals for any changes to the ANC, the Air Navigation Commission States are then consulted, and amendments are promulgated. Several mechanisms exist to assist the Secretariat –including Panels –Panels meet when ready – every few years
7 Recent developments in ICAO Too much detail in Annex 10 Technical SARPs –greater reliance on RTCA & EUROCAE standards –but they cannot be standardised Work programme items will be short term The Panels are being reviewed The entire work programme is being reviewed The new ASP has a very technical work programme –of 7 items –concentrating on ground surveillance systems
8 The ASP programme of work 3) Propose a roadmap for the development, operational deployment and evolution of ground and airborne surveillance in support of the ATM operational concept 7) Monitor the implementation and operation of the standardized aeronautical surveillance systems and propose amendments to existing technical provisions as required Item 3 is to be carried out jointly with operational groups –If the approved roadmap shows airborne surveillance applications, we will need the standards for them In Item 7, I assume ADS-B is a standardized airborne surveillance system There is nothing on ASAS per se
9 Other ICAO Panels ATMRPP ATM Requirements and Performance Panel OPSP Operations Panel SASP Separation and Airspace Safety Panel There probably are others
10 What do we need? A Concept of Use –which needs much operational input –For the World, or for Europe? Detailed applications can be examined –Sequencing and Merging –the In Trail Procedure Operationally, procedures have to be standardized –urgent problem - phraseology for referring to third parties Technically, ADS-B data has to be standardized –but, do we need standards for ASAS? –If so, why?
11 How do we get it done? (1/2) ASP will develop the road map, jointly with others –which should then imply a programme of work ASP will probably monitor the work of the RFG, and similar groups –and report it. –Changes to ADS-B to support an AS application for which there is no approved procedure will be difficult to justify SCRSP has been preparing a Concept of Use –but will ASP continue this work?
12 How do we get it done? (2/2) Work out precisely what you need, e.g. –Sequencing and Merging –the In Trail Procedure Identify the Panel to take it to Find a Panel Member Persuade the Panel Member to propose what you want It is also possible to proceed by Regional agreement –and it’s a good idea.
13 Conclusion The rules are changing ICAO loves ADS-B –but not its airborne surveillance applications It does not love ASAS We must be clear about what we want –and why The operational basis must be clear It will have to go through an operational Panel –or by Regional agreement –or something novel It will be slow