Professional Qualifications System in Estonia European Bank for the Development of Modular Curricula and Educational Technologies EMCET-2 Svetlana Kozlovskaja Institute of Educational Research, Tallinn, Estonia
Agenda History of standards in Estonia Professional Standards’ Legal Basis The Professions Chamber: −Brief overview −Objectives −Achievements Estonian Qualification System Keywords Structure of standard Standards for VET specialists Useful resources
History Of Standards: Milestones Adult Education Act - provides for everybody’s rights, opportunities and obligations to participate. 1998 – Vocational Training Institutions Act - regulates the procedure and conditions for organising professional education and training at vocational educational institutions. 2000 – Professions Act – regulates qualifications system the Action Plan for Developing Estonian Vocational Education and Training System for 2001– The main objective: to determine the main courses of development in the vocational education system the Action Plan for Developing Estonian VET System for 2005– main goals: − further development of VET −compliance with the needs of the Estonian economy and labour market −cooperation with employers
Professional Standards’ Legal Basis Professions Act - entered into force 19 January 2000 (RT1 I 2001, 3, 7) This Act provides the bases for the development of the requirements for professional qualifications and the conditions and procedure for the attestation and award of professional qualifications – Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was delegated to develop and implement qualification system Professional Council’s statutes The procedure for the preparation, amendment, structure and recording of professional standards Establishment of the Register of the professions Professional certificate issue and statute
The Professions Chamber: brief overview The Estonian Qualification Authority (trademark – “Kutsekoda” or The Professions Chamber) was established in August 2001 in order to continue developing the professional qualifications system launched by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in The Professions Chamber was established by −the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, −Estonian Employers' Confederation, −Ministry of Social Affairs, −Estonian Employees' Unions' Confederation −the Confederation of Estonian Trade Unions
The Professions Chamber: objectives Facilitating the establishment and development of an integrated professional qualifications system Establishing prerequisites for achieving comparability of the qualifications of Estonian employees as well as acknowledgement of other countries. To achieve these objectives, the Professions Chamber shall: −organise the activities of professional councils as well as the development, supplementing and improvement of the professional standard, and establishment of evaluation criteria; −work out methods for developing and implementing the employees' qualifications system, and the qualification evaluation system; −organise performance of tasks given by professional councils, −manage the state register of professions.
The Professions Chamber: achievements −16 professional councils – 245 people −77 professional qualifications committees (which award professional qualifications) people −475 professional standards −8868 professional certificates
Training Professional standard Curriculum Trainers Professional certificate Resources People Professional councils Working groups Professional qualifications committees Examination committees Professional examination centers Experts Specialists Coordinators Assistants Money Time Mapping of professions, Development and modernisation of qualifications requirements Estonian Qualification System Award of professional qualifications
Keywords Profession an area of activity based on similar duties and activities Vocation the set of knowledge, skills, experience, values and attitudes necessary for the performance of duties which is acquired by learning and working in the corresponding profession Standard of professional competence document that describes working conditions, tasks, responsibilities, knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes required for a particular profession. Competency specialized knowledge, skills, experience and attitudes Professional qualification the level of competence required in a given profession which is recognized on the basis of regulated requirements Professional council body consisting of the representatives of employees, employers and professional associations of the corresponding area of activity and the representatives of the state. Development of professional standards Professional qualifications committee body which awards professional qualifications Professional certificate document certifying professional qualifications
Structure of standard General skills and knowledge Requirements for general skills and knowledge in the fields of activity. Main skills and knowledge Requirements for skills and knowledge necessary for the profession. Special skills and knowledge Requirements for skills and knowledge related to specialisation. Additional skills and knowledge Recommended skills and knowledge, which support and extend professional skills or are related to additional qualification. Personal characteristics and abilities Requirements for personal and individual characteristics and physical abilities necessary for the profession. Professional qualifications are divided into 5 levels where level is the lowest and level V is the highest
Standards for VET specialists Teacher V (general subject teacher) Adult educator (Andragogue) III, IV, V
Vocational Teachers Statute (1995)s: A profound knowledge of the theory and methods of the profession Aware of general developments in his/her profession Ability to link professional subjects with general education subjects Ability to link theory and practice Co-operates with employers Prepares teaching resourses necessary for his/her work Sets tests, exams and assessments Organizes and participates in final professional exams
Useful resources The Estonian Qualification Authority (The Professions Chamber) Association of Estonian Adult Educators ANDRAS Estonian Central Federation of Employers National Examination and Qualification Center NGO Estonian Association of Vocational Teachers Action Plan for Developing Estonian VET System in Tallinn, Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian National Observatory, Foundation for Lifelong Learning Development
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