Biology and Behavior
Our Behavior is largely influence by our Biology
The Brain is like the center control
BRAIN The brain is a mass of billions of neurons Three main parts of the brain 1.Brain stem - is the lowest section of the brain which connects it to the spinal cord. 2.Cerebellum - is at the back of the brain stem and is linked to it by nerve tracts. 3.Cerebrum - it is the largest part of the brain.
Cerebrum - The largest division of the brain. It is divided into two hemispheres, each of which is divided into four lobes. Cerebru m Cerebellum
The Cerebrum The cerebrum is divided into sections or lobes. The four lobes are: 1. frontal 2. temporal 3. parietal 4. occipital
Frontal Lobe The Frontal Lobe Controls: 1.Motor Functions 2.Higher Order Functions 3.Planning 4.Reasoning 5.Judgment 6.Impulse Control 7.Memory 3 Divisions 1.Prefrontal Cortex -Controls the expression of personality, planning and cognitive processes -Lobotomies 2.Motor 3.Premotor Areas Motor and Premotor areas deal with voluntary muscle movement
Temporal Functions of the Temporal Lobe: 1. Hearing 2. Memory 3. Speech 4. Emotional Responses 5. Visual Perception
Lobes of the Brain - Parietal Lobe The Parietal Lobe of the brain is located deep to the Parietal Bone of the skull. It plays a major role in the following functions/actions: - Senses and integrates sensation(s) - Spatial awareness and perception (Proprioception - Awareness of body/ body parts in space and in relation to each other) Modified from:
Lobes of the Brain – Occipital Lobe The Occipital Lobe of the Brain is located deep to the Occipital Bone of the Skull. Its primary function is the processing, integration, interpretation, etc. of VISION and visual stimuli. Modified from: 8.tif.jpghttp:// 8.tif.jpg
The Nervous System
Nervous System Responsible for regulating 5 things 1.Internal functions 2.Reactions 3.External Events 4.Learning 5.Memory
2 Major Components of the Nervous Sytem 1.The Central Nervous System 2.The Peripheral Nervous System
Central Nervous System (CNS) -Transmits messages from Brain to Muscles and glands throughout body -Made up of 2 parts 1.Brain 2.Spinal Chord
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Sends messages between the CNS and all other parts of the body Divided into 2 parts 1. Somatic Communicates with the skin and skeletal muscles. 2. Autonomic Communicates with smooth muscles, heart muscle and glands.
Somatic Nervous System Soma = body Controls Muscles Tendons Joints Voluntary functions Made up of a multitude of Afferent and Efferent neuron pairings
Afferent vs. Efferent Neurons Afferent neurons Incoming – sensory neurons Examples: Skin Efferent Neurons Outgoing neurons – motor neurons
Afferent and Efferent Explained a little differently Afferent neurons are like the little brother who gets picked on and then goes and calls on his bigger brother (Efferent neurons) to come and take care of business. Afferent – the messenger Efferent – the muscle watch?v=EjBPUdLOVHU
Autonomic Nervous System The Involuntary control center Example: Shine a light in someone’s eye, the eye dilates Divided into 2 systems: 1.Sympathetic 2.Parasympathetic
Sympathetic Branch 1.Expands energy when body needs it - Ex: getting a 2 nd wind 2.Responds in sympathy of hard times (instinctual emotional response) 3.Speed up body processes when necessary -Ex: adrenaline rush
Adrenaline! watch?v=IE6an0WtjmI
Fight or Flight VQUv37Tl1qc
Parasympathetic Branch -“Para” means “alongside” -Mends and restores the energy that you’ve lost -Often happens when you’re unconscious -Ex: Sleeping -Ex: Passing Out after adrenaline rush -Ex: Getting light-headed after workout = your nervous system telling your body to slow down
Chemicals and hormones and their transmission throughout our body influence behavior, cognitions and emotions