Archived Information A Different Perspective Comments from Jon Akers, Executive Director Kentucky Center for School Safety
Background Retired high school principal-25yrs. Executive Director for the Kentucky Center for School Safety (KCSS) --6 years KCSS is independent from KDE-though we have a very strong working relationship KCSS does not receive money directly from Title IV
Kentucky Center for School Safety Consortium of 3 universities and Kentucky School Boards Association Eastern Kentucky University is the headquarters for the Center Funding is through Ky. General Assembly Main task is to partner and facilitate activities that will enhance school safety.
School safety partners (not an all inclusive list) 1. Kentucky Department of Education 2. Education Cooperatives- (superintendents) 3. ERCM Grantees 4. Kentucky’s Office of Homeland Security 5. Office of Drug Control Policy 6. Department of Mental Health 7. Kentucky Association of School Resource Officers
Past SEA projects ( Discretionary money that came to KCSS) Formation of an Emergency Management Guide—state template Alternative educator assistance program- professional development Safe school assessments Community Service Work project Annual Data Report: Board and law violations PDS annual individual school report card
General Comments There is a definite need to maintain Title IV monies coming to the states. Unfortunately, times have changed-- these monies are necessary more now than ever before. 1. School safety has expanded from ATOD to Emergency preparedness: emphasizing an “all- hazards” approach. 2. Need to enhance teacher/student connectivity (i.e. anti-bullying programs, student threat assessment and student assistance teams.)
General Comments KCSS’s Safe School Assessments (200+ schools) affirm these issues. School-level staff need support and assistance. Establishing prevention strategies in these identified areas does require funding for training and implementation
Ideas States having Centers for School Safety might enhance school safety activities by pooling resources with SEAs…not supplanting existing funding but exploring new initiatives by consolidating efforts. SEAs and Centers for School Safety should develop a coordinated plan based on an annual needs assessment.
Ideas The goal of SEA/Centers partnership should be to build capacity in local school districts and then follow-up with “booster” sessions (i.e. train the trainers—then provide updates to the trainers.) ERCM updates and training are critical. Exercising the plans is a significant piece as well—supervised table-top and functional exercises are desirable.
Ideas Consider ways to coordinate regional meetings of SEA (SDFS coordinators) and Directors for School Safety to share ideas and best/promising practices.