UGIM 2014 Highlights Significant international participation – Mexico, Canada, Denmark, Australia, India, UK. - Large contingent from Australian National Fabrication Facility. - INUP presentation was part of a panel discussion on “Big Programs” Most Nanofabs discussed similar issues: - Balancing high operating costs vs. low utilization - Issues with toxic and corrosive chemical handling - Balancing “cleanliness” vs. operation procedures. - Increasing participation of industrial partner - Not enough skilled staff vs. tool complexity. - Significant MEMS and Bio-MEMS/Microfluidics work happening. Fab management software: - No one solution that fits all. - Every lab has a unique “billing” system that requires customization. - FOM Networks seems to have a good following for the cost/complexity.
PECVD development – May-June 2014 Silicon Carbide film optimization Comparison Study of Oxford SiC recipe and SiC w/ H 2 dilution. FTIR Spectra and XPS was done to study the comparison Element Atomic % SiC (Oxford) Si51.63 C25.44 SiC with H2 Si44.33 C45.51 Deposited Material Deposition Rate (nm/min) SiC (Oxford)28.7 SiC-H6.1
Further exploration of process space with 2-level 3-variable DOE Dep. Rate and FTIR peak area for SiC/SiH/Si-CHn compared for film quality. FR/Pow/Press Trial no.Conditions H2 Flow Rate (sccm)Power (W) Pressure (mTorr) 1LLL HLL LHL LLH LHH HHL HLH HHH Normalized FTIR Peak area Si-HSi-CHnSi-C E E FTIR spectra recorded for each of the 8 samples and normalized area under Si-C, Si-H and Si-CH n was calculated. Dep. Rate (nm/min)
By calculating using the area under Si-C peak, it was found that Power and H2 Flow rate are the main parameters for SiC deposition (in SiH4-starvation regime with H2 dilution). With respect to the above, there were three trials done varying the power, H 2 flow rate and pressure as shown in the table below: Trial no.Power (W)H 2 (sccm)Pressure (mTorr) Deposition rate, Refractive Index and Residual stress were measured. Trial no. Deposition Rate (nm/min) Residual stress (GPa)nk (Compressive) (Compressive) (Compressive) Keeping Trial 1, increased SiH 4 flow rate from 5sccm- 10sccm Trial no.Deposition Rate (nm/min)nk
DRIE – Chuck changed from 6 inch to 4 inch. Standard etch recipes -- grass formation, retrograde profile. – ICP capacitors – arching observed. Carbon build-up inside the RF match due to lose connectors. – On-site service by SPTS – RF-match box cleaned and reinstalled. Process qualification in progress. Vendor recommends change of the RF-match kit (High value item ~ $45000). Refurbish the current one and keep as spare. RIE – Pump Maintenance RIE – F : backing pump is replaced with new pump, old pump oil need to be changed. – Chiller Maintenance RIE – Cl : Chiller fluid changed. – Bias Voltage issue RIE – Cl : Table heater connectors disconnected (causing chamber/RF ground path) Tool status Update for the month of JUNE-2014
Techport Sputter tools Sputter 1&2 : New N2 line connected (parallel to O2 MFC) for reactive sputter of nitride films (22 nd May). Sputter2 extended tool down (1.5 months) due to bad mother-board. Techport vendor was not responsive … Original Dell mother-board replaced with local Intel mother- board. Tool operational since June 9 th.
PECVD DRIE Anelva Sputter