Concluding Remark Commentary Evidence Topic Sentence Do Now: Using the following ingredients, put a paragraph together.
Concluding Remark Commentary Evidence Topic Sentence Transitions Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays?
Causal Chain/ Domino Conclusion Introduction Hook Thesis Preview Restatement Recap Clincher Cause-- >Multiple Effects The Essay Multiple Causes-- >Effect Topic Sentence Elaboration Concluding Remark Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays?
Concludi ng Remark Commen tary Eviden ce Topic Sentence Chronological C limactic
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Concludi ng Remark Commen tary Eviden ce Topic Sentence Chronological Time Order Especially effective if you are describing a process, relaying a series of actions First cause/effect, second cause/effect, etc.
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Chancellor Palpatine's deliberate manipulation of the Senate expedited the Empire's rise to power. First, Palpatine created a crisis by stirring up wars on the outer rim of the galaxy. Then, Palpatine deceived the Senate into thinking that the Jedi Council was not sufficient to keep peace in such troubling times. After doing so, he then called for the creation of a Clone army that would eventually be called upon to turn against the Jedis. Finally, after a conflict with Mace Windu left him disfigured, Palpatine twisted the turbulent political climate as cause for the Republic to surrender their powers to the Chancellor, making him, in effect, Emperor. Clearly, Palpatine used deceptive measures to wrest power from the Republic in order to build his empire. Chronological
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Concludi ng Remark Commen tary Eviden ce Topic Sentence C limactic Emphatic order (Building in emphasis) Arrange your ideas according to their importance; from the weakest point to the strongest point Least important cause/effect; more important cause/effect; most important cause/effect
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Unfortunately, soccer will never cross over into the mainstream American sports market. First, soccer has no time outs, making it difficult to televise. Second, Americans love their violence, and soccer does not deliver like football or hockey. Third, it is just too difficult to score in soccer. America loves its football games with scores like 49 to 35 and a professional basketball game with scores below 100 is regarded as a defensive bore. In addition, it seems unlikely that Americans will ever fully comprehend or appreciate a sport in which players are not allowed to use their arms and hands. Although the footwork of soccer players is a magnificent skill to behold, most American fans are perplexed by straitjacketed soccer players' inability and unwillingness to "pick up the ball and run with it!" Finally, the field in soccer is enormous. Considerably larger than the American football field, the soccer field could contain at least a dozen basketball courts. Americans like their action condensed, in a small field of vision— ten enormous sweaty people bouncing off one another and moving rapidly through a space the size of a medium-sized bedroom, twenty-two even larger people in bulky uniforms converging on a small, oddly shaped ball. Soccer is a great sport and it certainly deserves the increased attention and popularity it is getting on all levels. But — primarily, again, because it does not lend itself to television — it will never make it big in the United States the way these other sports have, not until it changes some of its fundamental strategies. Clima ctic
Causal Chain/ Domino Thesis: Anakin Skywalker's insecure attachment to women in his life allowed Palpatine to exploit the young Jedi's strength in order to build the Galactic Empire. Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Chronological C limactic
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Chronological Climactic Concludi ng Remark Commen tary Eviden ce Topic Sentence Transitions accordingly consequently hence so therefore thus as a result for this reason due to since because of
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? The weather was cold; therefore, Sally closed the window. The weather was cold. Therefore, Sally put on her coat. The weather was cold. Consequently, Sally put on her scarf. A blizzard hit the town. As a result, the schools were closed. The weather outside was cold because Sally closed the window. The weather was warm. So Jim turned on the air conditioner. (too informal -- avoid this usage)
Because he woke up late, Alvin missed the bus. Janice got home late; consequently, she missed her TV program. Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Because Janice got home late, she missed her TV program. Janice got home late. She missed her TV program. Alvin missed the bus, since he woke up late. Alvin missed the bus. He woke up late. My brother does not sleep very well. The neighborhood is noisy. Trans itions due to because therefore consequently since because of so
Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause- effect essays? Chronologic al Climactic There are a number of reasons why I got into Tech. My guidance counselor suggested I take the SHSAT. My parents encouraged me to go to Tech. I took time to prep for the exam. The score I received got me a seat in one of the best high schools in the country. I am a gifted and talented student. Due to Because Since Therefore So Consequently
1. Choose your overall cause-effect pattern Aim: How do you organize and develop body paragraphs for cause-effect essays? Causal Chain/ Domino Cause-- >Multiple Effects Multiple Causes-- >Effect Chronologic al Climactic Transitions + 2. Choose your paragraph pattern Concludi ng Remark Commen tary Eviden ce Topic Sentence