Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change OPEN DAYS 11/10/2005 Virag Sandor DG REGIO.


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Presentation transcript:

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change OPEN DAYS 11/10/2005 Virag Sandor DG REGIO

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Introduction Facts: aging society, economic interest, role of women Women in the labour market EU perspective Role of SF and CF Participation, Productivity Member States' perspective/solutions Think positive, do positive Good for women, economy, society, Europe Looking for solutions and not problems

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Facts on aging society: unprecedented demographic change EU pop. inc. 0.04%/year NMS falling population expt. Malta, Cypr working age pop (15-64) fall by 20.8ml low empl. rate 40% of workers 55-65

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Kok: The aging popl. could cause potential annual growth in GNP in E will fall from 2-2.5% (2005)to 1.25% (2040) 2003 – EU 15 – pop. 65&+ is 25% of active population 2025 – EU 15 – rise to 36% 2005 – NMS – 20% 2025 – NMS – rise to 30% Large % of pop -> Large % of growth

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Women in the labour market Classical family structures east/west Prejudice –women with children Child care facilities Equal opportunities in practice not theory Incentives and willingness

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change EU perspective: Lisbon strategy – Europe the most competitive region – old people & women Equal Opportunities (2007 year of EQ, Gender Institute) Gender Mainstreaming (HLG) (best practice)

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Role of SF and CF CF and SF is key financial instrument in EUs strategy for jobs and growth in view of the Lisbon strategy. Lisbon str. wide range of issues 1. participation 2. productivity in connection to demographic change

Women in the workforce – addressing demographic change the challenge of 1. Participation Staying in active workforce until 65&after SF gives support to incentives i.e. training and access to risk capital. Women in the labour market/child-care facilities, incentives 2. Productivity More innovative & research driven firms High added value/employees (training) Ensure no. of healthy work years (prevention, health promotion)

Women in the workforce – addressing demographic change the challenge of SF co-finances measures on productivity a. Stimulate investments in firms (innovation, research, business support, risk capital) b. Invests in physical environment (health facilities, risk prevention) c. And in the workers (life long learning) d. Negotiations on National Action Plans with MSs on Lisbon strategy by 15

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Member States' perspective/solutions: Ministries, RDA, Local authorities analyses of country needs develop policy – implement in practice implementation of rules, regulations taking up best practice education, training, childcare facilities bottom up- top down approach

Women in the workforce – addressing the challenge of demographic change Conclusion: National and Regional Strategies must be adopted in view of the challenge (EU + MSs) Equal opportunities Participation More child facilities/incentives/prejudice Long healthy work years Productivity Think positive and do positive in the view of solutions