Computer Architecture
“The design of a computer system. It sets the standard for all devices that connect to it and all the software that runs on it. It is based on the type of programs that will run (business, scientific) and the number of programs that run concurrently”software -- PC Magazine “The design of the integrated system which provides a useful tool to the programmer” -- Baer “The study of the structure, behavior and design of computers” -- Hayes “The interface between the hardware and the lowest level software” -- Hennessy and Patterson What is Computer Architecture?
“Computer architecture is concerned with the structure and behavior of the computer as seen by the user. It includes the instruction formats, the instruction set, and techniques for addressing memory” – Mano “The architectural design of a computer system is concerned with the specifications of the various functional modules, such as processors and memories, and structuring them together into a computer system”--- Mano Computer Architecture?
1.Global system structure (Black box approach) Processors Control modules Memory modules Interconnection structure 2.Processor level (Detailed individual component specification) Interfaces Instruction sets Data Representation Levels of Computer Description
3. Register level Specify internal operation of processor-level components at the word level Primitives: Registers Counters Memories ALUs Clocks Combinational logic 4. Gate level Specify operations at the individual bit level Gates are primitive elements Very cumbersome to do manually (logic minimization, etc.) Levels of Computer Description