We'll begin at the top of the hour. In the meantime, please use the “flipchart” for some informal conversation as people gather. You might begin by typing your name and location into the white space at the bottom of the box. (a friendly reminder – you were invited to fill out the Spiritual Gifts Inventory prior to our meeting this evening) Notes & recording from last week: Session Three: The “Engaged” Church If you can see this, you're connected correctly! Welcome
Introductions Re-introducing the presenters Opening Prayer
Today's Agenda Growing an “Engaged” Chuch Two tools from Bruce's congregation to yours: Living Your Spiritual Gifts Connection Circles Manual
Small group discussion (5 mins) Please introduce yourselves to each other (name, location, brief description of your congregation) How would you measure the “spiritual health” of a congregation?
Albert L Winseman: Growing an Engaged Church Spiritual health is indicated by four “outcomes.” Life satisfaction
Albert L Winseman: Growing an Engaged Church Spiritual health is indicated by four “outcomes.” Life satisfaction Inviting others to attend
Albert L Winseman: Growing an Engaged Church Spiritual health is indicated by four “outcomes.” Life satisfaction Inviting others to attend Serving (volunteering)
Albert L Winseman: Growing an Engaged Church Spiritual health is indicated by four “outcomes.” Life satisfaction Inviting others to attend Serving (volunteering) Generosity
Two Major findings 1. “Engaged” members score significantly higher on these outcomes than not engaged and disengaged 2. Spiritual practice has a positive impact on the outcomes, but is not as powerful as engagement.
Factors That Promote “Engagement” Clear answers to the following questions: What do I get?
Factors That Promote “Engagement” Clear answers to the following questions: What do I get? What do I give?
Factors That Promote “Engagement” Clear answers to the following questions: What do I get? What do I give? Do I belong?
Factors That Promote “Engagement” Clear answers to the following questions: What do I get? What do I give? Do I belong? How do I grow?
Rick Warren's Circles of Engagement
Small Group Discussion: How would people in your congregation answer these questions? What could you do to help them be clearer about their answers? What do I get? What do I give? Do I belong? How do I grow?
Summary Clear Expectations of Membership Start Gift-Based Ministry Start Small Group Ministry
Small Group discussion We asked you to fill out the “inventory” for yourself prior to tonight's workshop How did it feel to fill this out for yourself? Surprises? Reactions? Imagine using something like this in your congregation... what would work? What would you need to adapt?
A Tool for Engagement: Living your Spiritual Gifts Flows from Two Foundational Principles: 1.Ministry anywhere, anytime, by anybody 1.Gift-based ministry
The Evolution of the Tool From authority resting in external inventory To a process of self-inquiry-in- community (Transcended, yet included, the inventory) A Tool for Engagement: Living your Spiritual Gifts
Discovery: Group Session Individual Reflection Interview with facilitator A Tool for Engagement: Living your Spiritual Gifts
Discovery: Group Session Individual Reflection Interview with facilitator Discerning: Group session to discern ministry A Tool for Engagement: Living your Spiritual Gifts
Discovery: Group Session Individual Reflection Interview with facilitator Discerning: Group session to discern ministry Commissioning: Worship Service A Tool for Engagement: Living your Spiritual Gifts
A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles Structure: 1 ½ hours, weeks
A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles Structure: 1 ½ hours, weeks 1.Check in…When did you feel connected/disconnected from Spirit this past week?
A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles Structure: 1 ½ hours, weeks 1.Check in…When did you feel connected/disconnected from Spirit this past week? 2.Sacred Conversation using sermon from past Sunday
A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles Structure: 1 ½ hours, weeks 1.Check in…When did you feel connected/disconnected from Spirit this past week? 2.Sacred Conversation using sermon from past Sunday 3.Prayer
Have a dedicated leader of Connection Circles A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles
Have a dedicated leader of Connection Circles Facilitator and Host A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles
Have a dedicated leader of Connection Circles Facilitator and Host Train Facilitators and Support A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles
Have a dedicated leader of Connection Circles Facilitator and Host Train Facilitators and Support Use semester system A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles
Congregational Impact Builds common culture (gets people “on-purpose”) Builds sense of belonging Mission component (each circle has a mission project) A Tool for Engagement: Connection Circles
Small Group discussion If you were to build small groups in your church that used sermons as their resource... What would you need to include in the sermons?
Next Week Session Four: Leadership Fundamental States of Leadership Four Leadership Capacities Tending the Flame
1.1If you could sasdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfififififififii fdfdfdfdfdfdfIf fffffff….. Homework for next week Reflect on a time when you exercised exceptional leadership, and be prepared to describe this. What made this work so well?