Grant-Financed Projects: Introduction DG Justice Grant-Financed Projects: Introduction
Daphne III Grant Funding Legal base, policy context, policy priorities … Grant agreements = projects 60! (end of 2012, beg. of 2013) Call for proposals (2011-2012, expires April 2012) Award decision (late autumn 2012, 59 + 10 + the rest Evaluation of proposals (481 proposals, summer 2012) ?
? ! & Beneficiary (-ies): Project Start Project End now 2 years later objectives resources partnership stakeholders ? now Project Start ! 2 years later Project End & Commission: support control project objectives project results
Your Project's Legal Framework All projects shall be carried out in accordance with the following (in order of precedence): Grant Agreement concluded between the Beneficiary/ Coordinator (also on behalf of the Co-Beneficiaries) and the Commission, including its Annexes (and any amendments) Call for proposals and the related guide for applicants Management Guide (available on Note: Any other supplementary documents (contracts between the Beneficiary/Coordinator and subcontractors or staff or any other entities, agreements between the Beneficiary/Coordinator and the Co-Beneficiaries etc.) do not have any effect on the provisions of the legal framework above and cannot modify it with effect for the Commission
Kick-Off Meeting A day for the Commission to explain and for you to ask about anything that might have an impact on your projects over the next 2 years. Presentations by project officers, information about contact points. Questions and answers sessions foreseen (if possible after the relevant presentation) Materials will be posted online, under the link to the relevant call for propossals:
Thank you!