7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert Generalized net models are often developed in the process of interviews between a specialist in GN modelling (modeller) and other specialists from various applied areas. In the ideal scenario, experts in the modelled field would have a thorough grasp of modelling and GN theory, and vice versa. However, in real life, even the mediocre understanding of the others’ competences can be considered a lucky coincidence.
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert During the interview series of questions are formulated in attempt of tracing the modelled process in its chronology, causality and logic, in its consecution and concurrence. Questions vary in level of detailization and scope: some are more subject-oriented, others are more tool-oriented. Answers are then interpreted into graphic schemes of circles, triangles, lines and arrows; and mystical n-tuples, index matrices, characteristics and formulae … … but for non-specialists in GN modelling, the way of processing all of this information is locked in the black box of the modeller’s head.
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert They might be the best experts in chemistry. But they are dummies in GN modelling. And vice versa.
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert Adequate mutual comprehension of the other’s field of competence is not just an end in itself. In certain cases this may have a vitally important consequences, for instance when modelling processes in medicine, or in high-risk industries and occupations. Then, successful modelling is not just a matter of mutual comprehension; it is a matter of mutual control. If at least one of the sides feels dummy about the competences of the other side, than modelling should bide its time until some precursory training has been performed.
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert Training non-specialists in GN modelling evolves in several stages. Several levels of understanding have to be identified: Any need to apply mathematical modelling? Any understanding of this need? Familiar with other tools for mathematical modelling? What are the expectations of using GNs? Familiar with generalized nets? A good basis to step onto when explaining GNs?
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert The non-experts themselves may have many questions to the modeller, regarding the GNs. For instance: Who is able to make generalized net models? Am I? What do I need to know in advance? What sort of problem issues can GN models handle? Is my problem model-able by GN? What are the competitive advantages of GNs? Are there any drawbacks? GNs have many features; will I need them all? Is there a software realization? Will I be able to run it by myself?
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert access to existing methodologies of how mathematical models are constructed, taught and engineered in software applications; analysis and comparison, extraction of the good and best practices identification of the common questions and mistakes All methodologies should involve the joint efforts of the GN research community members, sharing their professional and training expertise, personal experience. Some of the more important topics to be covered are: formulation of sets of examples for the various GN concepts and situations
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert AFAIK, so far no such methodologies have been elaborated in the area of generalized nets. I do believe that their time has come. The field of generalized nets has already accumulated a critical mass of theoretical research, and many applications have been developed, again on a theoretical level. But the thing it dramatically lacks is practical application, popularity and good understanding. As of today, these are the directions, to which a part of the GN community’s efforts and resources should be redirected.
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert Work in the proposed directions is not to be underrated: it contains no less science than the traditional GN research. It is science to know your audiences and understand the informational needs of those “dummies” who can potentially get interested in your area. It is science to adapt the results of theoretical research in such a way that others comprehend them. It is science to realize and analyze how GN models are developed, after all. It is science to develop a working software package for generalized nets modelling and simulations, able to run the multitude of application models and practically prove the viability of the concept of GNs.
Generalized nets for dummies Vassia Atanassova 7 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets 17 October 2008 – Warsaw, Poland dummy expert Thank you!