1 Safe, non-pollutant shipping, with Swedish shipping leading the way Technical workshop meeting on emissions from aviation and maritime transport 4 Oct 2007 Reidar Grundström
2 Difficulties Leisure boats 74 Gg, 13% of domestic CO 2 Engine characteristics – emission factors Installed engine types Number of boats Fuel used Emissions of CO2 for domestic navigation tonnes (Gg) 567
3 Leisure boats - survey Survey 2004 by telephone (Statistics Sweden) to estimate number of boats, type, size, use etc persons (about 81% responded) Results: boats in total –Roughly with gasoline engines (> 10 kW installed power) –About m 3 gasoline used, 2004 –51% 2-stroke engines –About m 3 diesel used, 2004
4 Leisure boats - survey Quality of results – considered to be good Results of survey 2004 used in climate reporting Second survey planned to 2008 – yet to be decided
5 Thank you for paying attention!
6 Leisure boats Gasoline [g/kg fuel] NOxNMVOCCH 4 CONH 3 N2ON2O 2-stroke stroke Reference: EMEP/CORINAIR 15 February, 1996 Emission Inventory Guidebook Table 8-2: Bulk emission factors for 'Other Mobile Sources and Machinery', part 2: gasoline engines - Inland waterways