Q UESTION & A NSWER W RAP -U P W EBINAR FOR T HE O UTCOME M EASUREMENT S YSTEM (OMS) June 25, 2014 Kaitlin Lounsbury, OMS Coordinator Irina Hein, Director of Member Relations & Grants National Children’s Alliance (NCA)
R EMINDERS Updated Administrative Guide Released to Chapters on June 24 th If you have not yet received the Guide, you should receive it shortly. Online Account Information Many of you have already received your account information from you Chapters. Please start exploring your accounts. Others may not receive the information until later this week, as some Chapters & CACs requested changes to the accounts that have taken longer than anticipated. Revised Survey Forms DO NOT USE OLDER SURVEY FORMS AFTER JULY 1 ST Even if you plan to continue using paper surveys, please contact your Chapter for revised survey forms (except the optional Individual Needs Assessment and Case-Specific MDT Surveys, these surveys will be available online, but the format and questions have not changed).
R OLES & R ESPONSIBILITIES : CAC S Distribute Surveys to Clients and MDT Members Collect three main OMS surveys Initial Caregiver, Follow-Up Caregiver & MDT General Upon request by the Chapter, the Case-Specific MDT and/or the Individual Needs Assessment are also available. Use online accounts & updated surveys Electronic collection methods need to be used whenever possible. Paper surveys are available by request, but must be entered into the online system in a timely fashion (generally within 2 weeks) Basic customization of the surveys is strongly recommended, such as adding the CAC logo & customizing links to each of the surveys. Contact the Chapter to discuss additions to the surveys, if desired Attend provided training opportunities Discuss with the Chapters possible targets for minimum collection amounts and/or satisfaction rates
R OLES & R ESPONSIBILITIES : C HAPTERS Pass on information & offer basic technical support Provide training opportunities to all participating CACs Ensure participating CACs are collecting surveys Review CAC requests for additional questions Work on expanding OMS participation in the state Consult with CACs regarding the implications of results Distribute results
R OLES & R ESPONSIBILITIES : NCA Provide OMS surveys in paper and electronic versions Provide training to Chapters and CACs Be available for technical assistance Implement advanced customization of surveys Perform on-going testing Gather feedback from the field Distribute results Create template for results Partner with Chapters to recruit additional CAC participants
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS Do we have to use all the surveys? My CAC does not provide on-site follow-up services, we make outside referrals. Do we really need to do the Caregiver Follow-Up Survey? We have a satellite center or secondary location. Should they be using the same survey or do they need their own account?
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS When and how often should we administer the surveys? Is there a specific target for the number of surveys we should collect of each type? Is the Caregiver Follow-Up Survey only to be administered to those clients that have filled out the initial survey? Are the surveys per family or per child? What if a family has more than one child as a client?
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS If we are a member of NCA, can we use our funds to purchase tablets or other equipment to use for OMS? How else can we pay for this equipment? What features or technical specifications should we look for when purchasing a tablet or other computer equipment for OMS?
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS There are so many options for collecting surveys. Which option(s) should we choose? What if a caregiver does not have access to a computer? We have always used paper surveys before. Why are they discouraged now? We are planning to do the follow-up survey by phone. Do we need to be worried about bias? How do we know if a caregiver completed a survey?
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS When is it appropriate to add extra questions to the surveys? Who do I contact to add these questions? My center uses a slightly different term than the one listed on the survey. (For example, we call it a “Victim Interview,” not a “Forensic Interview.”) Can we just change the item to match our terms?
F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS We are getting a lot of ‘strongly agrees’ on our surveys, is that a good thing? Can we only see results as a whole, or can we see individual responses? What if we want to follow up on something a caregiver said in their survey? Do we have to send our results to the Chapter?
Q UESTIONS ? For general questions about OMS and to request additions to your center’s surveys, please contact your Chapter. Your Chapter OMS representative should always be your first point of contact for questions. If they do not have the answer, they will forward your request to the appropriate person. For technical problems or specific questions about your online accounts, contact Thank you!