Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum Cecil F. Carter Florida Gulf Coast University
Introduction l Philosophy influences the goals or aims, content, and organization of the curriculum
Summary of Chapter l How philosophy influences curriculum workers l How philosophy is the main curriculum source or one of many curriculum sources l Differences among the major phiolsophies l Differences among the major education philosophies l Critical philosophical issues
Agenda l Philosophy and Curriculum l Major Philosophies l Educational Philosophies
Overview l Philosophy gives meaning to our decisions and actions l Philosophy Continuum: Traditional & Conservative versus Contemporary & Liberal l Search for the Middle Road
Philosophy and Curriculum l Framework l Basis for Decisions
Major Philosophies l Idealism l Realism l Pragmatism l Existentialism
Educational Philosophies l Perennialism –Realism l Essentialism –Idealism and Realism l Progressivism –Pragmatism l Reconstructionism –Pragmatism
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Where to get more information l Other training sessions l List books, articles, electronic sources l Consulting services, other sources
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