CONTENTS Sending and receiving devices Mobile devices connected to networks – Smart phones – Personal digital assistants – Hand-held computers – Netbook – Portable media players – Navigation systems – Digital cameras Questions
Develop knowledge and skills – In using programming or scripting language software. – In describing data types and data structures and applying data representation methods. – About methods and techniques for completing a series of small discrete tasks that use feature s of programming or scripting language. Keep an electronic record of new knowledge and skills applied in each tasks and reflect on learning by evaluating the extent to which the knowledge and skills are applied.
An understanding of the technical knowledge and skills associated with using programming or scripting languages is further developed through examining ICT career pathways, which focus on: – entry requirements to specific ICT jobs – the main roles and tasks involved in ICT jobs.
On completion of this unit... You should be able to design, and develop using a programming or scripting language, limited solutions, record the learning progress electronically, and explain possible career pathways that require the use of programming or scripting skills.
Key knowledge This knowledge includes: – stages of the problem-solving methodology – data types and methods of representing and storing text, sound and images – methods of representing solution designs – techniques for manipulating data and information – naming conventions for files and objects – testing and debugging techniques, including construction of test data – characteristics of logically constructed electronic journals – roles and responsibilities of people who develop and support ICT solutions within organisations – ICT career opportunities and pathways.
Hand-held computers
Portable media players
Navigation systems
Digital cameras