ENGL 1101 A LIBRARY SKILLS PRACTICE SEPT SEMINAR Chapter 5 pp (Choosing a topic & preparing for research) pp (Research resources & using credible sources) pp (Major documentation styles)
Today’s Agenda: Finish up search phrase group work assignment; discuss results Return and discuss Assignment # 1. Class work on citations and references. Review of concepts from your readings (Chapters 1, 5 and 8) Complete in-class Assignment # 2. Reminder for next week: You will be handed a Homework sheet that you need to complete by Monday, October 6 (5%). This Homework assignment contains 4 pages. You need to choose a topic for your paper and find three peer reviewed sources suitable for your topic.
Group Work In groups of two or three: Open your books to p Read the title of this paper and discuss it in your groups. Are there any terms you are not familiar with? Read and discuss the Abstract (5 minutes). Answer the following questions: Did you understand what the paper is about? Explain in your own words what an abstract is. Name at least one difference between a summary and an abstract.
Group Work Focus on paragraph # 2 on p Look at the first set of citations “(Beardsworth & Keil, 1992;…)” and compare that to the next list of citations “(Boek et al., 2004, p. 266; …)”. Why are page numbers included in the second set of citations? On the same page: Read the last sentence of the first paragraph. I could argue that these terms are part of common knowledge and many of us know how to define these concepts. Why did the authors include citations here?
Group Work Go to p Read paragraph # 5. Focus on the two sentences, starting with “Health vegetarians emphasized…”, and ending with “… to prevent cruelty to animals”. There is no in-text citation. Explain why. Focus on pp Count how many citations are included in the Design and Setting (as one unit) and Data Collection and Data analysis (as a single unit) sections. Explain your answer.
Group Work Slowly, leaf through the paper (pp ). Answer these questions: Is this a peer-reviewed publication? How do you know? Would you use this article if you were a third year student and were asked to write a research paper on the effects of human dietary practices on the health of the environment? Would a first year biology student find this reference useful, should she/he need to write a 5 page essay on the health benefits of a vegetarian diet? Focus on p. 188, paragraph #5, citation: “(Fox and Ward, submitted for publication)”. Is this a valid reference? Can you find it in the Reference section? Is this a primary source or a secondary source? Explain your answer.
Group Work Assume you wish to write a research paper on the applications of internet interviewing methods. You want to find published references to support of the following statements (hint: focus on page 189, second column): - Internet interviewing is more cost effective than traditional interview methods - Internet interviewing allows for researching issues that are more sensitive and that cannot be easily explored through traditional interviewing methods - Can you find sources to support these statements? Turn to p Look through the citations and the Reference section of this paper (pp ). What differences did you notice between the two papers? Explain your answer.