Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases: administrative update Meeting June 19th 2007 Marieke Verschuuren Scientific Assistance Office For the Network of Competent Authorities, the Network of Working Party Leaders, the Working Party on Morbidity and Mortality, the Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases and the Working Party on Health Systems Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases The Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research
Completed projects: Cardiovascular Indicators Surveillance set in Europe (EUROCISS II): ending date European Cancer Health Indicator Project (EUROCHIP 2 (The Action)): ending date Expansion of the DAFNE databank to European Union Accession Countries: Data Food Networking, based on household budget surveys (DAFNE V): ending date Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases
Expected to end during next 6 months: Assessing the usefulness of a comprehensive set of reproductive health indicators designed for the enlarged EU (REPROSTAT 2) ( ) EU Network For Information On Cancer (EUNICE) ( ) Etude de l'Impact de la Canicule d'Aout 2003 sur la Population Européenne (CANICULE) ( ) Closing the gap -Reducing Premature Mortality. Baseline for Monitoring Health Evolution following Enlargement (HEM) ( ) A comprehensive health information and knowledge system for evaluating and monitoring perinatal health in Europe (EURO-PERISTAT II) ( ) Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases
New projects (call 2006): Task Force on Major and Chronic Diseases HighLIGHTing the impact of the headache in EUROpe: EUROLIGHT European Nephrology Quality Improvement Network: Nephro-QUEST Multiple Sclerosis - the Information Dividend: MS-ID
Submissions call 2007 …………