Portfolio Management Asset Management Group P R E S E N T E D B Y M. Corinne Larson, CTP Vice President (914)
Asset Management Group Investing in Today’s Market Develop a Plan: Investment Policy Cash Flow Forecasting Investment Strategies Execute the Plan: Investment Instruments Investment Options Spread Analysis Reevaluate the Plan: Benchmarks Portfolio Performance Portfolio Rebalance
Asset Management Group Importance of a Benchmark Control risk in portfolio Target expected returns Establish accountability Promote communication
Asset Management Group Characteristics of Benchmarks Faithful to investment style and discipline it represents Closely mirror the portfolio Types of investments Maturity limits Active or passive management Verifiable Published Easily calculated
Asset Management Group Choosing a Benchmark Choose a security type Come from appropriate industry or sector Have a similar weighted average maturity or duration Calculate one-month, six-month, and 12-month averages
Asset Management Group Choosing a Benchmark Choose an index Investable Measurable Repeatable Consistent with portfolio guidelines
Asset Management Group Common Benchmarks Standard & Poor’s LGIP Index Public Investor 10-bill Performance Index Constant Maturity Treasury Rates 3- and 6-months 1-, 2- and 5-years
Asset Management Group Treasury Yield Curve Rates
Asset Management Group Common Benchmarks Merrill Lynch U.S. Treasury Indices Salomon U.S. Treasury Benchmark Indices Lehman Brothers Government Bond Indices Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporates A-AAA
Asset Management Group Where to Find Benchmarks Wall Street Journal Barron’s Bloomberg Internet GFOA’s Public Investor newsletter
Asset Management Group Portfolio Performance Compare returns Evaluate risk incurred to achieve returns Determine if returns meet expectations Reevaluate benchmark at least annually or when investment strategy changes
Asset Management Group How to Review Performance
Asset Management Group Portfolio Rebalancing Evaluate Compliance issues Credit risk Liquidity needs Diversification Market conditions Interest rate risk Investment strategies
Asset Management Group Portfolio Rebalancing Diversify Market sectors or issuers Rate Maturity Match asset allocation goals and tolerance for risk Adjust WAM for market conditions Swap out of underperforming securities
Asset Management Group Putting It All Together Establish the framework for investing Understand investment alternatives Develop cash flow forecasts Develop investment strategies Report investment results