St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Intermediate 1 Business Management
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Why Business Management? The study of Business Management can provide a valuable experience which can enhance an individual’s understanding of a key area in society and provide skills and knowledge which can be used in a wide variety of types of employment. It can: To develop basic skills in: problem solving in business situations communicating business related information and using information and communication technology (ICT) in business contexts drawing conclusions about business activities
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Why Business Management? To promote and encourage: an understanding of the ways in which individuals can contribute to the achievement of an organisation’s objectives an appreciation that the various activities undertaken by businesses are interdependent an appreciation of use of ICT in different business contexts and how it affects the effectiveness of business operations and provide a foundation for future education and training.
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Why Business Management? Satisfactory completion of the Course will provide candidates with: a knowledge of the importance of business in a modern society and of the main areas of activity within a business and business oriented organisations a basis for further study in business and management and in courses where an awareness of business is an important component transferable skills such as communicating business related information
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Course Outline Business Enterprise Business Activities Business Activities Business Information and ICT Business Information and ICT
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Business Enterprise This section of the unit deals with: Role of business in society Types of business organisation Sources of finance Objectives The role of the entrepreneur Stakeholders The changing nature of business
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Business Information and ICT This section of the unit deals with: Sources of information Sources of information Types of information Types of information Uses of information in business Uses of information in business Uses of ICT Uses of ICT Benefits and costs of ICT Benefits and costs of ICT Business Software Business Software
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Business Activities - Marketing Marketing - This section of the unit deals with: Marketing Marketing Definition of marketing Definition of marketing Importance of marketing Importance of marketing Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Market research Market research
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Business Activities - Operations This section of the unit deals with: Operations Operations Activities of operations function Types of operations Types of operations
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Business Activities – Financial Management Financial management - This section of the unit deals with: Financial information Financial information Role of the Finance department Role of the Finance department
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Human Resource Management This section of the unit deals with: The role of human resource management in organisations The role of human resource management in organisations Recruitment and selection, Training and development Recruitment and selection, Training and development Employee relations Employee relations Terms and conditions of employment
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept There are 2 requirements to attain a pass at Higher Level, namely to pass the external examination and to pass all the internal assessments relating to the Learning Outcomes. There are 2 requirements to attain a pass at Higher Level, namely to pass the external examination and to pass all the internal assessments relating to the Learning Outcomes.
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Internal Assessment There will be 3 internal assessments, one on Business Enterprise and one on Business Activities and one on Business Information and ICT There will be 3 internal assessments, one on Business Enterprise and one on Business Activities and one on Business Information and ICT Each pupil must pass the assessment relating to the learning outcome. One resit will be permitted although it is always more advantageous to pass at the first attempt. Each pupil must pass the assessment relating to the learning outcome. One resit will be permitted although it is always more advantageous to pass at the first attempt.
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept Final Exam There will be one final examination of 50 marks, which will consist of a case study (25 marks) and an extended response paper where candidates must answer all the questions There will be one final examination of 50 marks, which will consist of a case study (25 marks) and an extended response paper where candidates must answer all the questions
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept What you can do? (1) Homework and class work will involve working on case studies from past papers and answering extended response questions. Homework and class work will involve working on case studies from past papers and answering extended response questions. Reading a quality newspaper will be invaluable especially the Business Sections. Current affair programmes would also be most useful. Reading a quality newspaper will be invaluable especially the Business Sections. Current affair programmes would also be most useful.
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept What you can do? (2) Attention leads to learning. In other words, attention is a prerequisite to learning. And there's no way around it! If a pupil pays little attention in class, very little learning will occur at that time. I estimate that if a pupil has good attention in class, it is worth 2-3 hours of study out of class. In other words, pay attention in class and it reduces your study time outside of class. Attention leads to learning. In other words, attention is a prerequisite to learning. And there's no way around it! If a pupil pays little attention in class, very little learning will occur at that time. I estimate that if a pupil has good attention in class, it is worth 2-3 hours of study out of class. In other words, pay attention in class and it reduces your study time outside of class.
St Andrews HS Business Studies Dept What you can do? (3) Ask questions if you are not sure? Ask questions if you are not sure? Make sure you complete your homework Make sure you complete your homework Read over your core notes Read over your core notes Practice past paper questions Practice past paper questions