WSIS + 10 Session 16 Zeynep Varoglu Hamet Communication and Information Sector (CI) UNESCO
The ICT in Education Ecosystem Hardware (computers, tablets, phones..) Connectivity Pedegogy Teacher Training Content 2
Teacher Training : ICT CFT The ICT Competency Framework for Teachers A Framework for training teachers to effectively integrate ICT in their practice. Essentially set of competencies that teachers need to integrate ICT into their practice and professional development to advance student learning. Available on an Open License which allows for users to modify, repurpose and re-use as necessary (including translation) 3
What’s inside? Overview of 3 Modules and underlying principles of the Framework Appendix I. UNESCO ICT Teacher Competency Framework modules Appendix 2. Example syllabi and exam specifications for each module Glossary of key terminology for a common understanding Open License allowing users to use, re-use and modify. 4
Background: ICT CFT Version 2.0 The ICT CFT V.2 (2011 ) is an update of the ICT CFT V.1 (2008) Result of partnership between UNESCO, CISCO, INTEL, ISTE and Microsoft Enriched with inputs from subject matter experts and users worldwide Enhanced with the inclusion of exam syllabi and exam specifications Openly licensed so users are allowed to repurpose and re-use as necessary (including translation) for non- commercial purposes (It’s an OER!) 5
ICT CFT Knowledge Ladder Framework Technology Literacy Enabling students to use ICT to learn more effectively Knowledge Deepening enabling students to acquire in depth knowledge of their school subjects and apply them to complex world problems Knowledge Creation enabling students, citizens and the workforce they become to create the new knowledge required for more harmonious fulfilling and prosperous societies 6
7 The ICT CFT Main Framework
OER is NOT the same as….. Online Learning
Content: Open Educational Resources (OER) Any educational resource/materials that may be freely accessed, reused, modified and shared ….openly available for use without paying royalties/licence fees Image:
What is an OER? Curriculum frameworks and maps Course materials Documents Books Research articles Multimedia applications Podcasts Videos Software and programmes…….etc
UNESCO World OER Congress 2012 Participants: Ministers /senior policy makers expert practitioners/ researchers and relevant stakeholders Aims To showcase innovative and promising practices in OER policies and initiatives Debate and adopt the Paris OER Declaration UNESCO Paris, June 2012 UNESCO HQs, Paris (20-22 June 2012)
Paris 0ER Declaration 2012 a)Facilitate awareness and use of OER b)Facilitate enabling environments for use of ICT. c) Reinforce the development of strategies and policies on OER d)Promote the understanding and use of open licensing frameworks e)Support capacity building for the sustainable development of quality learning materials f)Foster strategic alliances for OER g)Encourage the development and adaptation of OER in a variety of languages and cultural contexts h)Encourage research on OER i)Facilitate finding, retrieving and sharing OER j)Encourage the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds
Paris OER Declaration: 4 Main Types of Action; 1.Facilitate understanding and use 2.Support capacity building 3.Reinforce strategic alliances 4.Encourage forward looking actions
Hewlett Project ‘Implementing the Paris OER Declaration’ The Hewlett Project has 2 components: – OER Advocacy and Policy Development – Teacher Development using the ICT CFT 14
Hewlett Project ‘Implementing the Paris OER Declaration’ 15 Inception Meeting Development of National Project Implementation Strategy National Workshops Development of OER Teacher Training Tools Teacher Training Activities - International Advocacy
Development of National Project Implementation Strategy Analysis of existing ICT in Education teacher policies, practices and recommendations on national implementation strategies – Analysis of an E-readiness survey, – Review of national ICT and Education Priorities – Recommendations on links between the ICT CFT and national ICT and Education Priorities – Propositions for the national Steering Committee – Propositions for the advocacy strategy for project – Draft schedule for the development and implementation of training activities – Consensus building at the National Workshops 16
Development of OER Teacher Training Tools: Development of training materials, establishment and training of the course team – Revision and review of the institution’s Teacher Training (pre and initial) curriculum to integrate ICT operations effectively based on the ICT CFT. – Identification and adaptation of OER to develop new teaching and learning materials to support the new curriculum cost effectively, and to ensure their adaptation to contextualize for local use. – Establishment of a team to develop courses 17
Partnerships – Civil Society – Private Sector – Institutional – UNESCO Field Units, Category 2 Institutes 18
Guyana ICT Course and Module Overview 19
ICT Teacher Survey 20
Thank You