Comenius 3.1 Multiversum Towards multifaceted rather than linear knowledge
Summary of the project Timescale – January 2001-June 2003 Six countries involved – Italy, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, England and Northern Ireland All types and levels of schools Pupils, students and teachers all learners together
Aims To share good practice To develop teaching materials To develop materials to support professional development To establish a network of schools and education institutions across Europe via the Internet
ICT Aims To develop ICT skills – web authoring To support the effective integration of ICT into teaching and learning To support NOF initiative (LSP) To support the development of the virtual classroom where children and young people can present their ideas and work to a wider audience
Project Theme
Approach Investigative Collaborative Value difference Draw on and value collective expertise Regularly monitor, evaluate and review Regularly reflect on own learning Regularly celebrate and communicate
Generic/Key Skills Personal skills Interpersonal skills Thinking skills Learning skills ICT skills Physical skills
Thinking skills - Cognitive skills * Critical thinking * Problem solving * Creative thinking * Collaborative thinking/caring thinking
Our Italian Co-ordinators IRRE TOSCANA They work with all levels and types of schools throughout Tuscany foster and carry out educational research promotes a great number of projects within three macro areas: life-long learning, school autonomy, disciplinary knowledge and curricula
Reflection Monitoring/evaluation Project diary/journal - thoughts difficulties and opportunities -pictures/photographs - poems/letters/ s Feedback
learning-driven not technology-driven Extending learning opportunities!