Strategic Planning Strategic planning follows "the five question logic” ("Who are we? Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? How do we measure our progress?"),
CRYSTALLIZING THE ORGANIZATION’S IDENTITY (Vision, Mission and Philosophy) Without a vision, there is no inspiration. However, a vision without a mission is an impractical notion. And a mission without values could lead to an "ends justify means" philosophy. Linking vision, mission, and philosophy creates a powerful synergy. Together, they define a desired future and the principles that will guide future choices. Each is important yet they are codependent. Vision Values Mission
Vision Statement In crafting a vision, the following should be considered: What are our aspirations? What is our ideal future? What overall results do we want to accomplish? What legacy do we wish to leave? What will our organization be like in the future? How do we wish to be known by our customers and community? How will we enhance the quality of life for those who use our services/products? Current Vision Statement: Southern University at Shreveport Louisiana (SUSLA) will be known as a first choice two-year institution that provides quality learning experiences, academic support services and a commitment to the community. A strong focus will include economic development initiatives and the establishing of partnerships with business and industry which will provide a workforce, thereby impacting the quality of life for citizens throughout Louisiana and beyond. Proposed Vision Statements: (1) Transforming lives through excellence in education and service to the community (2) Transform lives and the community through a commitment to excellence and a spirit of service (3)Transform the lives of students, enrich our community and strengthen the regional economy
Mission Statement Current Mission Statements: Southern University at Shreveport, an institution within the Southern University System, seeks to provide a quality education for its students, while being committed to the total community. This institution prepares students for careers in technical and occupational fields; awards certificates and associate degrees; and, offers courses and programs that are transferable to other colleges and universities. Dedicated to excellence in instruction and community service, this open enrollment institution promotes cultural diversity, provides developmental and continuing education, and seeks partnerships with business and industry. Proposed Mission Statements: (1) SUSLA, a comprehensive community college, provides quality education and career advancement programs that empower a diverse population of individuals to shape, serve and lead in a competitive global society. (2) SUSLA, a comprehensive community college, provides quality education through academic, career, and technical programs and services that empower a diverse population of individuals to shape, serve and lead in a competitive global society. (3) SUSLA, a comprehensive community college, provides quality education, career advancement programs and community services that empower a diverse population of individuals to shape, serve and lead in a competitive global society.
Proposed Core Values Quality and Excellence We will engage in every endeavor guided by standards of quality and excellence. We will ensure through the various forms of presentation and/or service delivery that our efforts are of the highest quality. Integrity & Viability: We will continue to ensure the viability of the institution by providing to students an enriching environment that augments their academic experiences. We will uphold the highest standards of academic and professional integrity and respect student’s rights to be informed and engaged in the governance of the University. Accountability We will hold ourselves accountable to the fulfilling the mission of the institution. We will practice professionalism, assume responsibility for our conduct and embrace accountability as an expectation of servicing students. Service We will engage in actions that demonstrate a total commitment to delivering services to all our constituents. While students are our first priority, we recognize that our customers also include ourselves, parents, other higher education institutions, our community, business and industry. Diversity Southern University at Shreveport embraces and understands the importance of providing an education and an environment that promotes the uniqueness of students, faculty, staff and the communities that we serve. We affirm that diversity is crucial to a society, as it enriches that educational experience and celebrates differences among individuals.