1 ICT and education A new European initiative ‘Creative Classrooms’


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Presentation transcript:

1 ICT and education A new European initiative ‘Creative Classrooms’

2 The reality – implementation gap While ICT is well mainstreamed outside schools, formal E&T is only in its early adopter’s stage. Education can not stay behind these changes in an increasing networked and digital society. 2

3 Shortages Teachers lack pedagogical strategies and experiences to effectively use ICT Professional development of teachers lacks the pedagogical, innovation and practical dimension Assessment of digital literacy is not widespread Major lack of systematic impact in practices Innovations not enough supported by changes in pedagogy Discrepancy between children’s under-use of ICT at school and frequent and sophisticated use at home

4 What is at stake? +  The infrastructure to promote ICT  Research base to guide the process  Bottom-up initiatives (pilots,research, policies, action plans, …) –  No systemic integration and mainstreaming in formal education but

5 LACK OF SYTEMIC IMPACT –Top-down policies not close to users and practitioners –Lack of brokerage mechanisms to policy makers –Lack of evidence-base for policy making –Small scale, grass roots initiatives –Short-term - lack of sustainability/ scalability –No transferability of experiences –No whole systems integration and leadership 5

6 Objectives linked to Europe 2020 & ET2020 IDEA: Creative Classrooms  Increasing digital competence/ e-literacy  ICT enhancing innovation of E&T  Support to Member States to mainstream ICT use in educational policies and practices

Creative Classrooms The term ‘Classrooms’ = all types of learning environments The term ‘Creative’ = innovation of learning and teaching process with the support of ICT Focus on what is possible in today’s practices with today’s technologies

8 What ? Creative Classrooms initiative  Real-life experimentations in local context (micro) –Based on concrete problems –Engaging the whole educational system –Carried by users – bottom-up  Experimentations which are linked up (meso) –Upscaling of ‘islands of innovations’ –Networking, sharing, community practices  Guidance by policy makers / decision makers –Evidence-based policy making - transfer –Top-down meets bottom-up –Towards systemic uptake  European-wide cooperation in policy development 8

9 Policy makers / Decision makers Theme 1Theme 2Theme … Creative classrooms Lessons learned EVALUATIONEVALUATION Transfer Localise Country 2 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 2 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 2 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 3 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 1 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 1 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country 1 Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 … Country … Case 1 Case 2 … Country … Case 1 Case 2 … Country … Case 1 Case 2 …

The Initiative on Creative Classrooms is innovative due to:  its experimental nature  its transversal scope  the upscaling of innovations  making changes systemic and sustainable  emphasis on European–wide policy development

11 Possible outcomes  Providing guidance to policy makers / practitioners  ‘Learning what works and what does not’ to evidence-based policy making  Reaching a large number of learners, institutions, learning centres  Linking policy experimentations in real life settings  Upscaling best practices across Europe  Increase impact on systemic level  Involving multiple stakeholders (informal, non-formal & formal) 11

12 Evaluate the potential impact of a policy measure Theme x Country 2 Country … Country 1 Creative Classrooms Lessons learned EVALUATIONEVALUATION Case 1 Case 2 Case … Case 1 Case 2 Case … Case 1 Case 2 Case … Transfer Localise Testing innovation in real life settings = policy experimentation CROSS-COUNTRIESCROSS-COUNTRIES

13 Creative Classrooms ROADMAP  Gap and impact analysis  Concept development  A first trial mid 2012 (focus=compulsary education)  Feedback to concept, methodologies & approach  Broad stakeholders involvement 13

14 Concept CC Definition of the optimal conditions Launch call for pilots Testing at a large scale through real life pilots Validation of the concept through DEBATE Drawing lessons from cases January 2012 March 2012 June / Analysis of the progress and gaps DEBATE with stakeholders Developing a broad stakeholders partnership Creative Classrooms ROADMAP

Thank you ! ‘ The Lifelong Learning Programme: DG Education and Culture: Contact person: Lieve Van den Brande – DG EAC-A2